Translation of the song Noc artist Galija



English translation

The night

Kažem ti da sve je u redu

I'm telling you that everything's alright

Da čekamo da, da me odvedu,

That we're awaiting for them to take me away,

I znam da nebo nije,

and i know that sky isn't

Ni visoko, ni duboko za nas.

Neither too high, or deep for us.

I ne znam kako da ti kažem,

And i don't know how to tell you

Da osećam strah kada me traže,

that i feel a fear when they look for me,

Jer znam da plavo more,

for i know that a blue sea

Za mornare neće značiti spas.

won't mean the salvation for the sailors.

Noć, pada noć

Night, the night's falling,

Poslednji put ti pevam o hrabrosti.

The last time i'm singing you about the courage.

A noć, pada noć,

And night, the night's falling,

Poslednji put te nemam na savesti.

The last time i don't have you on my conscience.

Kažeš mi da večita tama,

You're telling me that the eternal darkness,

Nam nikada ne dolazi sama,

never comes alone to us

I znam da u daljini,

and i know that in a distance,

U tišini nema puta za nas.

in a silence there's no road for us.

I kako da nečije ruke,

And how shall someone's hands

Donesu neke vedrije zvuke,

bring some more cheerful sounds,

Kad znam da nikog nema,

when i know that no one's there,

Ko se sprema da nam najavi spas.

preparing to announce our salvation.

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