Translation of the song Nema me artist Djani
Nema me
I'm not here
Nema me
I'm not here
ja tako dugo nisam ziv
I didn´t lived for so long
srce i dusa venu mi
my heart and soul are fading
i uvek suze krenu mi
and tears always run
Nema me
I'm not here
znam ja dobro da sam kriv
I know that I'm guilty
i evo molim zadnji put
and I´m asking you for the last time
samo jos minut ostani
just stay one more minute
Samo oci da ti gledam
Just to look you in the eyes
i da priznam sve
and confess you everything
ne odlazi, jer ja nemam
don´t go away because I don´t have
zivot bez tebe
life without you
I u lice pljuni mene
and spit me in the face
ali jedno znaj
but you must know one thing
samo ne govori da je kraj
just don´t say that is ending
Nema me
I'm not here
ma k'o da sam na drogama
like I´m addicted to the drogs
i hladan znoj me obliva
and I´m covered by cold sweat
k'o da me nebo doziva
like sky is calling me
Nema me
I'm not here
a puca led pod nogama
and ice shoots under my feet
odavno otisli su svi
long time ago everyone left
ti samo minut ostani
you just stay for a minut