Translation of the song Njoj bih više verovao artist Djani
Njoj bih više verovao
I'd rather trust her
Zašto mi to pričaš, majko moja stara?
Why are you saying that, old mother of mine.
Zašto kidaš ovo srce iz nedara?
Why are you ripping my heart from the chest?
Kroz suze mi kažeš, pričali ti ljudi,
You say in tears, that people have told you,
kako moja draga nekog drugog ljubi.
that my darling kisses someone else.
I ja da je vidim, i da je to istina
If I saw her, and if that turned out to be true,
njoj bih više verovao nego svojim očima.
I'd rather trust her than my own eyes.
I ja da je vidim, i da je to istina
And, if I saw her, and if that turned out to be true,
njoj bih više verovao nego svojim očima.
I'd rather trust her than my own eyes.
Zar ti ne znaš starice, koliko je volim?
You old woman, don't you know how much I love her?
Za njenu se ljubav svakog dana molim.
I pray for her love every day.
Oprosti mi, majko, moja suzo vrela,
Forgive me, mother, my hot tear.
i tebe bih ostavio kad bi ona htela.
I would even leave you, if she wanted so.
Refren 2x
Chorus 2x