Translation of the song Sam sam artist Djani
Sam sam
I'm alone
Ostani zbogom, nek te sreca prati
Good bye, happiness should follow you
a ja cu negde naci svoju srecu
and I'll find my happiness somewhere
sve sto je lepo zivot mi uskrati
Everything that's beautiful life takes me
zasto te nema, izdrzati necu
why aren't you here, I won't endure it
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x:
Sam sam dok te ljubi drugi neko
I'm alone while someone else is kissing you
ti si sad za mene samo san
now you're just a dream for me
znam da si od mene sad daleko
I know that you're far away from me now
necu da prezivim ovaj dan
I won't survive this day
Nijednu vise ja necu voleti
I won't love any other anymore
ja sam odavno prezalio sebe
I defeated myself long ago
saljem ti suzu, nek te ona seti
I send you my tear, it should remind you
na dane kad sam ziveo za tebe
of the days when I lived for you