Translation of the song Tuđa žena artist Djani
Tuđa žena
Someone else's wife
Strofa 1:
Verse 1:
Kuda idu ostavljeni, ja sam davno stigao
Where the rejected go, I got there long ago
Od mene je ovaj život ruke davno digao
This life long ago threw its hands up with me
I u džepu zlatan prten izgubio svoj je sjaj
In my pocket, a golden ring has lost its shine
Kada si rekla da je kraj
When you told me it was over
Ne krijem svoju tugu, ja plačem na glas
I don't hide my sadness, I openly cry
Jer znam da nema više nas
Because I know there's no more of us
Vazduh nestaje, guši me polako
The air disappears, it chokes me slowly
Ovaj osmeh tvoj što boli me jako
That smile of yours, hurts me so bad
Suzu ne krijem iz oka kad krene
I don't hide my tears when they fall from my eyes
A ti draga ne misli na mene
But you, dear, don't think of me
Kao sa grane list kad padne u blato
Like a leaf that falls from its branch into the mud
Tako živim ja i umirem zato
I live that way and will die because of it
Tu gde srce je ništa davno nema
Where my heart is, it's had nothing for a while
A ti draga budi tudja žena
But you, dear, be someone else's wife
Strofa 2:
Verse 2:
U životu prošao sam glavom kroz sto zidova
In my life, I banged my head on a hundred walls
Kada jedna tuga ode, druga dodje iznova
When one pain leaves, another comes anew
Ja sam još na kolenima, čekam da mi kažeš da
I'm still on my knees, waiting for you to say yes
A znam da si njemu sudjena
But I know you're destined for him
Ne krijem svoju tugu, ja plačem na glas
I don't hide my sadness, I openly cry
Jer znam da nema više nas
Because I know there's no more of us
Refren x2
Chorus x2