Translation of the song Zavede me i nestade artist Djani
Zavede me i nestade
Seduced me and vanished
Mozda si sada srecna zena
Maybe now you're a happy woman
moja ljubavi sto me ostavi
My love, why did you leave me
da li se pitas kako je meni
Do you ask yourself, how I'm doing
odkad si otisla srecu odnela
Since you left and took happiness with you
Ja stalno pijem i tugu krijem
I'm always drinking and hiding my sorrow
trazim te al’ ne znam gde
I'm searching for you, but I don't know where
ti negde zivis svojim zivotom
You live somewhere, with your life
zavede me i nestade
You seduced me and vanished
Vrati se meni seti se proslosti
Come back to me, remebember the past
moja ljubavi s kim si sada ti
My love, with whom are you now
srecan bih covek ponovo bio
I would be an happy man again
da si kraj mene ti sta mi ucini
If you're next to me, what have you done