Sen değilsin yansımam ilk defa aynada
You are not the first time I was reflected on the mirror
Ben gittim bu oyundan
I'm outta this game
Ama söylemek istediklerim var son defa
But for the last time got things to say.
Biz böyle değildik, kim düştü ilk?
We weren't like that, who was the first one to fall?
Kim attı kendini uçurumdan?
Who threw himself/herself from the cliff?
Koynumda yatmak varken
Instead of sleeping by my side,
Boynumu büktün, ah ah ah yazık
You broke my heart,alas,what a pity!
Bize can versin diye diktik
We planted it so that it can give us life
Dolandı boynumuza sarmaşık
And the ivy strangled us.
Koynumda yatmak varken
Instead of sleeping by my side,
Boynumu büktün, ah ah ah yazık
You broke my heart,alas,what a pity!
Bize can versin diye diktik
We planted it so that it can give us life
Dolandı boynumuza sarmaşık
And the ivy strangled us.
Her yeni bir macera yaşamak istediğin zamanlar gidecek misin?
Will you just leave me whenever you wish to have something new?
Ben aynı verandada, aynı elbise, elimde sigara bekler miyim?
Will I be waiting for you on the veranda with same dress and cigarette in my hand?
Biz böyle değildik, kim, kim düştü ilk?
We weren't like this,who,who was the first one to fall?
Kim attı kendini uçurumdan?
Who threw himself/herself from the cliff?
Koynumda yatmak varken
Instead of sleeping by my side,
Boynumu büktün, ah ah ah yazık
You broke my heart,alas,what a pity!
Bize can versin diye diktik
We planted it so that it can give us life
Dolandı boynumuza sarmaşık
And the ivy strangled us.
Koynumda yatmak varken
Instead of sleeping by my side,
Boynumu büktün, ah ah ah yazık
You broke my heart,alas,what a pity!
Bize can versin diye diktik
We planted it so that it can give us life
Dolandı boynumuza sarmaşık
And the ivy strangled us.