Translation of the song يلّي بدا ياني artist Nassif Zeytoun
يلّي بدا ياني
Who wish to be close to me
يلّي بدا تاج ملوكي
Who's wants to put a crown on his head.
بدا تتحمل وزنه
It has to bear its weight.
معقولي ما علموكي
Is it reasonable? No one told you about this ?!
قلبك من بعد اذنه
Your heart after taking permission from It, I want to tell him
يلّي بدا ياني بتلحقني بثواني
Who wish to be close to me, she will be chasing me in seconds.
قلبي مربّى على الغالي وعيوني شبعاني
A lot of lovers passed through my heart, and my eye is full.
كوني معي
Stay with me.
وقد ما فيكي تعي
As far as you can, come close to me.
ودقة قلبي اسمعي بهواكي
And the beat of my heart, listen it say I love you.
والحلى بلا
Love is an affliction,
وقلبي فيكي ابتلا
And my heart gets affliction because of you.
يعني ما أجملا بلواكي
I mean, what is the magnificence affliction that comes to me through you!
يلّي بدا ياني بتلحقني بثواني
Who wish to be close to me, she will be chasing me in seconds.
قلبي مربّى على الغالي وعيوني شبعاني
A lot of lovers passed through my heart, and my eye is full.
حبي، حبي وأوعى تخبّي
Adore me, love me more and more, beware of hiding your love from me.
بالعشق أي علامة
And give me any sign that shows how much you love me.
يلي بتكسب طيبة قلبي
Who can win the kindness of my heart,
ما بتصيبا الندامة
She will never regret it, and she will surely be a winner.