When you awake inside
When you awake inside
When you awake inside
When you awake inside
When you awake inside
When you awake inside
Lança o barco contra o mar
Set sail
Venha o vento que houver
Come whatever wind that may come
E se virar, nada
And if it overturns, swim
Pega a mala que couber
Take whichever luggage that fits
Vira a estrada sem saber
Hit the road without knowing
E se perder, calma
And if you get lost, calm down
Beija a boca da mulher
Kiss your woman's mouth
Tira a roupa sem pedir
Get undressed without her asking
E se sorrir, fica
And if she smiles, stay
Bebe o copo que encher
Drink the glass that is filled
Diz pro amigo que é irmão
Call your friend a brother
O que nem tem palavras
The speechless one
Lança o barco contra o mar
Set sail
Venha o vento que houver
Come whatever wind that may come
E se puder, voa
And if you can, fly