Translation of the song Perfume casino artist Babasónicos


Perfume casino

English translation

Perfume casino

Agoto su belleza en un espejo en la Riviera

She ran out of beauty on a Riviera's mirror

su perfume a casino la alejo de Portofino

her perfume of casino drove her away from Portofino

abandonada pidió un Martini

abandoned she ordered a Martini

y su mirada se va en un yate

and her gaze leaves on a yacht

hacia el turquesa argel

to the tuquoise Argel

al horizonte aquel

to that horizon

Su pareo se vuela

Her body wrap flies

y el aliento del mar... la desespera

and the sea breath... desperates her

Te sorprenderá que todo haya cambiado

You'll be surprised that everything changed

sentirás nostalgia del final

you'll feel nostalgic about the end

tus amigos ya son parte del pasado

your friends are now part of the past

desabrazandose los necesitaras

you'll need them unhugging each other

Enredo su tocado

She tangled her headdress

en los caireles de una araña

on a spider crystal beads

y flotaba a su lado el rumor que sus pestañas

and next to her was floating the rumor that her eyelashes

eran falsas y que algo habría tomado

were fake and that she had drink something

no controla su mueca, donde habrá estado?

she doesn't control her face, where she has been?

en la cubierta de un

on the deck

crucero portugués

of a portuguese cruise

con su cuerpo varado a la orilla del mar

with her stranded body on the seashore

se desespera

she's desperated

Te sorprenderá que todo haya cambiado

You'll be surprised that everything changed

sentirás nostalgia del final

you'll feel nostalgic about the end

tus amigos ya son parte del pasado

your friends are now part of the past

desabrazandose los necesitaras

you'll need them unhugging each other

Instantáneamente disco

Instantly disco

sospechosamente en Aries

suspectfuly in Aries

peligrosamente hembra

dangerously woman

refrescantemente lenta

refreshingly slow

me revela con su paso

she reveals me with her step

un misterio caminante

a walking mistery

es la clave del destino

it's the key of destiny

que destino? que destino? que destino?

what destiny? what destiny? what destiny?

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