Baju isteddadu,
Starry bay,1
tocca lestru cun brincos de giogu,
start going fast with playful leaps,
‘ogni pedra s’atzendet che fogu
each stone blazes like fire
cando passas a brincu serradu.
when you passes jumping briskly.
De lampu est s’ardore
Of lightning is made the passion
ch’in su pettus mi turbat su coro.
that upsets my heart in my chest.
Si su chelu si tinghet che moru
When the sky dyes itself like a Moor
in sas nottes risplendat s’amore,
may love shine at night.
Tue pesas sa testa
You rise your head
a sos bentos de friscu manzanu,
to the winds of the fresh morning
e cun s’oju luntanu luntanu
and with your eye, far away,
paret ch’idas promissa sa festa.
you seem as to see the promised feast.
Passa rios, baddios e montes,
Go through rivers, glens and mountains,
passa serras a brincu serradu,
go through sierras with a brisk trot,
e ‘ogni tantu su ferru atalzadu
and now and then your steel horseshoe
sonat bellu addobende in sos pontes.
sounds nice beating on the bridges.
Nois chircamus logos gentiles
We are longing for gentle places
ue cantan sirenas
Where mermaids sing
e i’sas dies s’ind’andan serenas
so the days go away serenely
in dultzuras d’eternos apriles
in the sweetness of eternal Aprils.
Su frenu in sa giua
I let the bridle fall on your mane
t’abbandono in su sardu camminu,
in the path through Sardinia,
curre baju isteddadu e divinu
run, starry and divine bay,
de sos fortes e ardentes est sa fua.
the fleeing is of the brave and strong ones.
Baio stellato, corri lesto con salti di gioco,
Starry bay, run fast with playful leaps,
ogni pietra si accende di fuoco
each stone blazes in fire
quando passi con trotto serrato.1
when you passes with a brisk trot.