Translation of the song Pismo 1 artist Tram 11


Pismo 1

English translation

Letter 1

Bok Bahattee! Kako ide? Si dobro razbu?

Hi Bahatee! How's it going? You OK, bro?

Kolko te poznam ziher stalno pumpaš 20 za kaznu

Knowing you, guaranteed you're donig 20 for punishment

pa čitaj ovo dok se odmaraš il zabušavaš

So read this while you're resting or slacking

nered stvaraš razvodnike zajebavaš

Making mess or fucking with corporals

znam da ti je teško kad te stalno šalju na Jamnicu

I know,must be hard for you being sent to Jamnica all the time

al nemoj se samo zbog tog pretvorit u pijanicu

But don't become a drunk just because of that

dal hvataš stanicu koja prenosi Blackout da možeš slušat

Can you listen to the frequency with Blackout, so you can listen

za vrijeme straze na walkmanu se guštat

While you're on guard, having fun that way

i kad ćeš van javi kad dođeš tako da znam

And when are you out, let me know so I'd be prepared

jesi čuo da se Wocas skida za koji dan

Have you heard Wocas is out in few days

a Stupni je na Plesu di naporno radi da bude na prvom mjestu

And Stupni is at airforce, working hard so he'd be first place

u Nitendu svaku večer preskače lesu da se pridruži frendu

In Nintendo jumping fence every night to be with his friend

il našoj škvadri jer u vojarni niš ne radi jaja hladi

Our with our gang because he does nothing in barrack

a neki dan sam sreo i Boo

And the other day I met Woo

veli da ide sa Helenom u Francusku

He says he's going to France with Helena

a ti moraš biti tu i to je sjebano

And you must be there, that's fucked up

obadvojica isto nemamo

Both of us, the same, we have nothing

pa repamo jer se ne damo

We rap because we don't give up

i pitaš zakaj zvučim gnjevno

And you ask why I sound furious

zato jer furam bačve pive za 150 dnevno

Because I drag beer kegs for 150 a day

a škvadra je na moru čekam Matka da se vrati

And gang is at the sea, I'm waiting for Matko to come back

da smiksa stvari s nazivom Target i El Bahattee

To mix things called Target and El Bahatee

a ovo bi mogo srati unedogled jer je bed

And I could talk shit about this for days cause it's a downer

kad izađeš moramo svesti Zg hip-hop u red

When you get out, we must shape up Zg hip-hop

nas dvoje i Woo pokupit zaradu svu

Two of us and Woo to take all the money

jer ovaj niš ne radi osim kaj prestavlja Dubravu

Because this guy does nothing except representing Dubrava

a škvadra nas već zna od lani

And the gang knows us from last year

kad su Hrvatski velikani bili in pa sad smo kao znani

When our Croatian Giants were in so we're like well-known

prije si baco bombe sad briješ kod Džombe

You used to throw bombs, now you're chillin'at Jomba

jebeš guštere kaj hoće bolje uvjete

Fuck newbies for wanting better conditions

bili smo na oproštaljci Break je otišo u osmom

We were at farewell party - Break went in August

al ne za poslom već da se malo druži s vojskom

But not to get work but to mingle in the army

kad izađeš moramo pokoriti svijet

When you get out, we must conquer the world

brzih 305 ti želi Target

Quick 305 Target wishes to you

mi sad snimamo album i mora biti bum

We're now making an album and it must be a boom

kad izađeš hoću svadbu napit ću se ak ću biti kum

When you're out, I want a wedding, I'm drunk if I'm bestman

[El Bahattee]

(El Bahatee)

Pitam se kakav je osjećaj što me zanima danima

I wonder what's the feeling I'm interested in for days

kad odbrojim 305 i zaboravim priču o gotovim snagama

When I count to 305 and forget the story about ready forces

kad skinem sa sebe zelene nijanse

When I take shades of green off me

da pokažem performanse jer ovako nemam šanse

To show my performances cause no chance like this for that

zanimljiva struktura al ne kolektivni mentalni sex

Interesting structure but not collective mental sex

usavršen u borbi u prsa od pet za pet

Perfected in chest to chest combat five out of five

nemam fat duet jer stojim sam ko temelj samac

I have no fat duet I stand like a rock, alone

ne želim bit al isti sam ko Slovenac Srbin i Bosanac

Don't want it, but I'm the same as Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian

samo broj šifriram po VPD-u 11702

I only code my number according to VPD 11702

želio sam biti jedan od njih al danas samo ja

I wanted to be one of them but today it's only me

danas samo maštam želim zaboraviti dijelove i slike

Today I just imagine, I wnat to forget parts and images

jeftin alkohol u velikim količinama jer nemam prilike

Cheap alcohol abundance cause I have no opportunity

gledao sam sve ko odmor al vidi se ko napor

I thought of it as vacation but it comes out as an effort

različiti smrad od 40 ljudi u sobi je zamor

Different smells, 40 people in a room, gurgle

ko najgori zatvor nehigijena

Like the worst prison, unhygienic

na kazetama Lepa Brena

Lepa Brena on tape

Džomba metar u džepu za ljepša vremena

Jomba meter in the pocket for better times sake

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