Translation of the song Pismo 2 artist Tram 11
Pismo 2
Letter 2
Bok Bahattee! General je i neću puno srati
Hey Uptightee! It's General and I won't be too fullof shit
tebe nema u kvartu pa bi moro ovo znati
You're not around in the hood so you should know this
sranja se dešavaju u kvartu brat bratu
Shit is going down in the hood, talking straight
neki glume čudne poslove uz odijelo i kravatu
People acting up some weird jobs with suit and tie
ne znam šta im je gledam škvadre starije
I don't know what's up with them, I look at older gangs
sve što su stariji to su luđi pa rade i pizdarije
The older they get, the crazier they are and doing shit
ne znam šta da kažem ne bih htio da se dozna
I don't know what to say, I don't want it going public
ilegalni poslić dobar auto i tozla
An illegal job, a good car and gold
gotiva je nabava i mnogima je guba
Purchase doing well, cool for a lot of people
al imaš ih pun kurac heroinom što se buba
But there's loads of them fillin up with heroin
nema pomoći uglavnom poznate face
There's no help, mostly well known faces
svjesni su toga sranje treba da odbace
They know it, they should throw away that shit
a klinci dobro znaš kak klinci ovdje briju
And kids, you know well how kids act up round here
Dubrava je Dubrava izazivaju muriju
Dubrava is Dubrava, the pick on cops
a mi uvijek smo u toku događanja
And we're always in the center of the action
tamo gdje je zabava gdje su sranja i svađanja
Where the fun is, where the shit and fight is
ekipa je standarna Dovbje Zule i ja
The usual gang - Dovbje, Zule and me
tu i tamo neka piva dobre pice i gotiva
Here and there some beer, good pussy and chillin
samo sjeti se nekada za dobre stare dane
Just remember sometimes for good old days
Retkovec-Dubrava od prostitutke do platane
Retkovec- Dubrava, from a prostitute to a sycamore
Ne znam kak je vani
I don't know what's it like out there
ne ne ko je na mojoj strani
No, no, who's on my side
huligani velikani mališani
Houligans, biggies, kids
Uskoro je gotovo ne želim nikom a kamoli ponovo
It's over soon, I don't want it for anyone, especially not again
za krv suze alkohol je neoprostivo
For blood, tears, alcohol, it's unforgivable
ipak jedinstven u jednom pogledu stvoreno ljudstvo
Still unique, mankind created in a glance
oko mene kao davno
Around me, like a long time ago
ostaje u sjećanju za stalno
It stays on my mind forever
znam da neće biti isto onog dana kad svratim u susjedstvo
I know it won't be the same the day I come round to the hood
ulica će mirisat prosto jednostavno
The street will smell simply simple
ekipa ostaje možda me slabije poznaje jer sam tih
The gang stays, maybe they know me less cause I'm quiet
al pucat ću iz velikih kalibara i ostat dio njih
But I'll shoot the big guns and stay a part of it
uzet ću slobodan dan i sjest na klupu promatrat kurvice
I'll take a day off and sit on a bench to watch sluts
novi stil gledat ću bake s tržnice i ostale penziće
New style, I'll watch grannies on market and the other oldies
slušat cu vijesti da predvidim taktiku
I'll listen to the news to predict the tactics
naučio sam kojekakve gluposti al' ne mijenjam naviku
I've learned a lot of shit but I don't change habits
naučio sam razliku al' ostajem isti ko fašisti
I've learned the difference, but I stay the same as fascists
demokrati ko marke
Democrats as stamps
naučili su me mrzit čvarke
They thaught me how to hate bacon
velike restorane goleme skupove kolektivnost
Big restaurants, large gatherings, colectivity
sjećat ću se svega al' imat ću vlastitu aktivnost
I'll remember everything but I'll have my own activity
jebeš armiju vratit ću se velikim stilom
Fuck the army, I'll come back big style
ako bude sreće okitit ću se bar platinastim vinilom
If there'll be luck, I'll get at least a platinum vinyl
napit ću se sa Philom
I'll get drunk with Phill
ko u stare dane s ekipom izać van cijev u zrak i ...
Like the old days, go out with the gang, barrel to the air and...