Translation of the song Heartbeat artist 2PM

English, Korean


English translation


Can you feel my heartbeat?

Can you feel my heartbeat?

니가 짓밟고 떠난 심장이

The heart that you trampled down and left is

아직도 뛰고 있어

Still beating

그것도 너를 향해

Even towards you

잊으려고 아무리 노력해봐도

No matter how hard I try to forget you

새로운 사람들을 아무리 만나봐도

No matter how many new people I try to meet

계속 다시 또 다시

Why do I turn around and keep thinking only of you

돌아서면 왜 니 생각만 나는지

Again and again and again?

안 할래 그만할래

I won't do it I'll stop it

아무리 내 자신을 달래고 또 달래 봐도 

Even if I calm myself and again try to calm myself down

아무 소용이 없어

There's no use doing it

내 심장이 고장나 버렸어

My heart has broken

왜 아직도 나는 이런 바보 같은 짓을 하는지

Why am I still acting like such a fool?

머리론 알겠는데 가슴은 왜 지 맘대론지

I know in my head, but why is my heart acting on its own?

너를 잡고 놓지를 못해

I grabbed you and can't let go

지금도 니가 나의 곁에 있는 것 같애

Seems like you are still with me

이별을 믿지 못해

I can't believe our breakup

누굴 만나도 마음 속 한 곳은

No matter whom I meet, there's a place in my heart

열지 못하고 계속 니 자릴 비워놔

I can't open it so that I keep leaving it open for you

올 리가 없는데 올지도 모른다고

There's no way you come back, but why do I belive in

왜 믿는지 가슴이 왜 말을 안 듣니

Such words that you might come back? How come my heart won't listen?

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s beating for you

It’s beating for you

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s waiting for you

It’s waiting for you

끝났다는 걸 아직도 몰라

It still doesn't know it's over

왜 이러는지 이해가 안가

It can't understand why things are like this

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s beating for you

It’s beating for you

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s waiting for you

It’s waiting for you

너의 생각에 아직도 아파

It still hurts to think of you

가슴이 뛸 때 마다 생각나

I think of you every time my heart beats

잊어야 해 잊어야 살수 있어

I have to forget, I have to forget to live

지워 버려야만 해

I have to erase all

안 그러면 내가 죽어

Otherwise I die

Stop trying to get her back

Stop trying to get her back

She ain’t coming

She ain’t coming

She’s gone, gotta be moving on

She’s gone, gotta be moving on

갔어 오지 않아

Gone, not coming back

그년 니 생각하지 않아

She doesn't think of you

그녀는 내가 기다리는걸

She doesn't know that I'm waiting and

전혀 모른 채 잘 살고 있어

She's doing well

그녀는 이미 날 잊었어 완전히 지웠어

She's already forgotten about me, completely erased all

왜 나는 그렇게 못하니

Why can't I do that?

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s beating for you

It’s beating for you

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s waiting for you

It’s waiting for you

끝났다는 걸 아직도 몰라

It still doesn't know it's over

왜 이러는지 이해가 안가

It can't understand why things are like this

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s beating for you

It’s beating for you

Listen to my Heartbeat

Listen to my Heartbeat

It’s waiting for you

It’s waiting for you

너의 생각에 아직도 아파

It still hurts to think of you

가슴이 뛸 때 마다 생각나

I think of you every time my heart beats

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

My heart is beating faster and faster

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