Translation of the song Liebe artist Cro



English translation




What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It's about us

It's about us

It's about trust babe

It's about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It should be about us

It should be about us

It should be about trust babe

It should be about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

[Part 1]

[Part 1]

Wenn du staendig an sie denkst, ihr euch ergaenzt, und du sie genau kennst.

When you think of her 24/7, complement each other, and you know her trough and through.

Wenn du sie deine Freundin nennst und sie dich noch immer anschaut obwohl du schon lange pennst..

When you call her your girlfriend, and she still looks at you while you're sleeping....

Dann kann man hier von wahrer Liebe sprechen.

That is called true love.

Du bist wie besessen, denn das Gefuehl in deinem Bauch wirst du nie vergessen.

You are like obsessed, the feeling in your stomach you can never forget.

Und ich kenn keine die so schoen ist wie du, das ist nicht alles, aber irgendwie gehoert das dazu.

And I know no one as beautiful as you, that's not all there is, but somehow it goes with it.

Komm Baby hoer mir doch zu..

Common baby listen to me...

Du bist die Frau meiner Traeume, in traumhafter Braeune, wie Laub an den Baeumen.

You are the women of my dreams, a divine brown, like the leaves on the trees.

Liebe ist wenn man sich blind versteht und egal jeder Brief ist im Wind verweht.

Love is, blindly understanding one another and it doesn't matter, every letter is gone with the wind.

Und ich genieße die Sekunden, genieße diese Stunden, genieße diese Zeit die ich mit dir verbringe.

I enjoy the seconds, enjoy the hours, enjoy the time I'm spending with you.

Und ich hab hier ein Lied fuer dich gefunden.

I found a song for you.

Alles lief bis hier hin rund, doch ich kann leider nichts dafuer - hab die Liebe nicht erfunden.

Everything went smoothly so far, but it's not my fault-



What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It's about us

It's about us

It's about trust babe

It's about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It should be about us

It should be about us

It should be about trust babe

It should be about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

[Part 2]

[Part 2]

Pass gut auf, die Liebe kann dich killn'!

Watch it, love can kill you!

Liebe kommt oder geht wann sie will.

Love comes and goes whenever it wants.

Liebe kann man nicht berechnen, Liebe kann man nicht vergessen, Liebe macht aus dir und deinem besten Homie Konkurrenten.

Love can't be reckoned, love can't be

Ueberleg dir gut ob die Bitch es wert ist!

forgotten, love makes you and your best homie

Ob du nicht verkehrt liegst - Homie bist du ehrlich?


Dann ist jede echte Freundschaft doch viel mehr wert als die Liebe.

You have to think hard if the bitch is worth it!

Denn schon jede Liebe ist nach einem Jahr schon nicht mehr diese, die sie am Anfang warn'.

Maybe you have it all wrong - Homie are you for real?

Es ist ganz egal, ob schwarz oder weiß - es ist ganz normal.

In that case, every true friendship is more worth than love.

Gibt's Streß mit deiner Freundin auch, such dir doch 'ne Neue raus.

Because, every love, after a year is not the same as it was

Geh mit deinen Freunden raus, doch hoer nie zu traeumen auf.

at the beginning.



What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It's about us

It's about us

It's about trust babe

It's about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

Got to do, got to do with it babe

Got to do, got to do with it babe

What's love?

What's love?

It should be about us

It should be about us

It should be about trust babe

It should be about trust babe

What's love?

What's love?

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