Translation of the song NihiTaa' artist The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer (in the Navajo Language)
NihiTaa' yá'ąąshdi honílóonii,
Our Father at heaven. You who are there,
Nízhi' diyingo óolzin le',
Your name is being holy. Let it be kept.
Bee nóhólníihii náásgóó k'ee'ąą yilzhish le',
Your Kingdom, Further on let it be increased,
Áádóó bee íinínízinii t'áá yá'ąąshdi ááníłígi át'éego
And may your will works, just like it works at heaven,
Nahasdzáán bikáa'gi ááníił le'.
Let it work on the Earth.
Ch'iyáán t'áá ákwíí jį´ niha'iyíłtsódígíí díí jį´ nihaa náádiní'aah.
The food you feed us every day. Give it to us today again.
Áádóó t'áá nihich'į' bąąhági ádaaníiłii bá yóó'adahidiit'aahígi át'éego
And those who do wrong toward us, we forgive them
Nich'į' nda'ayiilzíhígíí nihá yóó'ahidí'aah.
In that way forgive us for our mistakes and sins.
Áádóó nihí hodínóotahjį' nihi'óółnííh lágo,
And do not send us to the tempting place
Ndi bąąhági'át'éii bits'ą´ąjį' yisdánihiyínííł.
But save us away from it.
Háálá ahóyéel'áágóó ni t'éí nóhólnííh áádóó t'áadoo bee nóodziilí da, índa ayóó'áńt'é.
Because the only You who are in charge
T'áá ákót'ée doo.
Forever and ever