Translation of the song The Lord's Prayer (palatine german) artist The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer (palatine german)
The Lord's Prayer
Unser Vadder im Himmel
Our Father in heaven,
Doi(n) Name soll heilisch soi,
Your name shall be holy
Doi Känischsherrschaft soll kumme,
Thy kingdom-rule shall come.
Doi(n) Wille soll gschehe
Thy will shall be done
Uf de Erd genauso wie im Himmel.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Geb uns heit das Brot, was mer de Daach brauche,
Give us today the bread we need for today
Un vergeb uns unser Schuld
And forgive us our sin
Genauso wie mir denne vergewwe,
As we forgive those
Wo an uns schuldisch worre sin.
who have failed us
Un fiehr uns net in Versuchung,
And lead us not into temptation,
Rett uns awwer vum Beese.
But deliver us from evil.
Dir gheert jo die Herrschaft
For thine is the rule,
Un die Kraft un die Herrlischkeit
And the power, and the glory,
Bis in alli Ewischkeit.
For ever and ever