Translation of the song Vatterunser artist The Lord's Prayer
Our Father
Zurich German (Züritüütsch):
Zurich German (Züritüütsch):
Öise Vatter im Himel!
Our father in heaven!
Hilf, das me zu diim Name Soorg hebed.
Help that we care for your name.
Soorg defüür, das diis Riich chunt.
Take care that your empire come.
Mach, das diin Wile gscheet,
Make it that your will happens,
nöd nu im Himel, au uf der Erde.
not only in heaven, also on earth.
Gib is hütt öises Broot,
Give us today our bread(,)
wo mer all Taag bruuched.
which we need everyday.
Und vergib öis ales, wo mer schuldig plibe sind,
And forgive us everything of which we remained guilty,
grad esoo wien au miir dene vergee händ,
the same as we have forgiven those
won öis öppis schuldig sind.
who owe us something.1
Und mach nöd, das mer a der zwiifeld,
And don't make us doubt you,
näi, bhüet is vor em Böse.
no, protect us against what is evil.2
Bernese German (Bärndütsch):
Bernese German (Bärndütsch):
Üse Vatter im Himel!
Our father in heaven!
Mach, dass dy Name heilig ghalte wird,
Make it that your name gets kept holy,
Mach, dass dys Rych zuen is chunt.
Make it that your empire comes to us.
La hie uf Ärde dy Wille gscheh,
Let here on earth your will happen,
win er im Himel gscheht.
as it happens in heaven.
Gib is hütt üses Brot für morn.
Give us today our bread for tomorrow.
Und erlan is üsi Schuld;
And forgive us our guilt;
mir wei sen o üsne Schuldner erla.
we know, our debtors are forgiven, too.3
Stell is nid uf d Prob;
Don't put us to the test;
aber bhüet is vor em Böse.
but protect us against what is evil.2
Alsatian (Elsässischs Alemannisch):
Alsatian (Elsässischs Alemannisch):
Vàter unser ém Hémmel,
Our father in heaven,
Gheiligt sei dine Nàmme
Hallowed be your name
di Rich soll komme
your empire shall come
Dine Wille soll gschah,
You will shall happen,
wie ém Hémmel, so uf d'r Arde.
as in heaven, so on earth.
Unser alltajlige Brot géb uns hét,
Our daily bread give us today,
un vergéb uns unsri Schuld
and forgive us our guilt
wie oi mér én dane vergann,
as we also have forgiven those
wo àn uns gschuldigt hän.
who have become guilty towards us.
Un fiehr uns nét én d'Versüechung,
And don't lead us into temptation,
àwer erlees uns vom Beese.
but redeem us of what is evil.2
Alsatian (Elsässischs Alemannisch):
Unser Vàdder wo im Himmel isch
Our father who is in heaven
Heilig sei dinner Nàmme
Holy be your name
Din Reich soll komme
Your empire shall come
Dinner Wille soll geschehn
Your will shall happen
Wie im Himmel au uf de Ard
As in heaven, so also on earth
unser däjlich Brot gib uns hit
our daily bread give us today
un vergib uns unseri Schulde
and forgive us our guilt
wie mir au denne vergebe wo uns schuldig sinn
as we, too, forgive those who are guilty towards us4
un loss uns nitt in Versuchung komme
and don't let us get into temptation,
àwwer màch uns frei von àllem wàs schlecht isch.
but free us of all that is bad.