Translation of the song 춤춰 (Ugly Dance) artist ONF
춤춰 (Ugly Dance)
1 and 2 and 3 and
1 and 2 and 3 and
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
들어 너의 손 흔들어 너의 몸
Raise your hands, move your body
그리고 소리 질러 크게 더 크게 더
And scream loud, louder, louder
What’s up bro what’s up sis
What’s up bro what’s up sis
Everybody feel the beat
Everybody feel the beat
And move your soul
And move your soul
템포를 조금 늦춰 줄래
Can you slow down the tempo a little bit?
다들 너무 빨라 um umm
It's very fast um umm
트렌드라는 유령을 따라가지
Follow the ghost of trend
않을 테니까 난 um umm
I'm not gonna do it um umm
사랑 노래 지겨워 다들 비슷해
I'm sick of love songs, they're all similar
치명적인 아이돌 넘쳐나잖아
It's full of deadly idols
새로운 걸 해보자 우리 항상 다른 길로
Let's try something new, we always take a different path
어차피 세상에 쉬운 건 없어
There's nothing easy in the world anyway
이거저거 복잡한 건 내 가슴이 이해를 못 해
My heart doesn't understand these complicated things
느껴지면 움직이겠지
If you feel it, you'll move
머리 어깨 무릎 너의 모든 게
Head, shoulders, knees, everything about you
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
들어 너의 손 흔들어 너의 몸
Raise your hands, move your body
그리고 소리 질러 크게 더 크게 더
And scream loud, louder, louder
What’s up bro what’s up sis
What’s up bro what’s up sis
Everybody feel the beat and
Everybody feel the beat
Move your soul
And move your soul
셋 하면 눈을 맞춰 umm
On three, look me in the eyes
넷 하면 잠깐 멈춰 umm
On four, stop for a second
아무거나 상관없으니 umm
I don't care about anything
이 bass 위에 널 맡겨
I leave you on top of this bass
너 하고 싶은 거 다 해 알잖아
You do whatever you want, you know that
우린 Beautiful 예술
We're Beautiful Art
스스로 검열이 너무 많아
There's too much self-censorship
요즘 다들 너무 예민해 umm
Everyone's so sensitive these days
사랑 노래 지겨워 와 닿지 않아
I'm sick of love songs, they can't reach me
치명적인 아이돌 나와는 달라
I'm not a deadly idol, I'm different
새로운 걸 해보자 우리 항상 다른 걸로
Let's try something new, we always take a different path
어차피 세상은 늘 빡빡해
The world is always tight anyway
목소리 갈라지게 노래 입
Singing a song that will crack your voice
틀어막지 말고 숨 쉬어
Don't hold it back, breathe
심장 박동은 BPM 두 배
Heart rate's twice the BPM
모두 엉망이 되게 춤춰
Everything's dancing in a mess
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
너의 깊은 곳에 잠들어 있는
Deep in your sleep
또 다른 모습이 진짜일지도 몰라
It's another part of you, that might be real you
오늘과 내일 그 틈 사이에 우
Between today and tomorrow
리가 만든 세상으로 와
Come to the world that we created
셋 하면 눈을 맞춰 umm
On three, look me in the eyes
넷 하면 잠깐 멈춰 umm
On four, stop for a second
아무거나 상관없으니 umm
I don't care about anything
이 brass 위에 널 맡겨
I leave you on top of this bass
어디 있어도 혼자 있어도
No matter where you are, even alone
우린 연결되어 서로 느껴질 거야
We'll be connected and feel each other
What’s up bro what’s up sis
What’s up bro what’s up sis
Everybody feel the beat and
Everybody feel the beat and
Move your soul
Move your soul
들어 너의 손 흔들어 너의 몸
Raise your hands, move your body
그리고 소리 질러 크게 더 크게 더
And scream loud, louder, louder
What’s up bro what’s up sis
What’s up bro what’s up sis
Everybody feel the beat and
Everybody feel the beat and
Move your soul
Move your soul
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and
춤춰 1 and 2 and 3 and
Dance 1 and 2 and 3 and