Niin kuiskii kesäyönä
The swamp is whispering in a summery night
Suo kuin korpi nukkuva
like a sleeping forest
Sen puissa latvat huojuu
In it the treetops are waving
Kelorungon ruumiina
As a dead tree's trunk
Ja alla makaava
And underneath lying
On unessansa iloinen
happily sleeping
Kuin käydä kävellen,
Like being on a walk
Tie kukkii ja on tasainen
The road is steady and blooming
Vaan kenen karjatiellä
But on who's country road
Voi niin kuulla laulua?
are you able to hear singing?
Kun laulaa laajaa maata
When through a broad land is singing
Suo kuin korpi nukkuva
the swamp like a sleeping forest
Sen tien on aika
The road has been cast
Jaloillansa valanut
by time itself
Siks' polkunsa tuon tuntee
That's why the one back home
Kotiinsa taas palannut
Know's it's path
Olen täällä vieraana vaan
I'm here only as a quest.
Vieraita laaksot
Unfamiliar valleys,
Jäänet jo unholaan
Have already been forgotten.
Outo on minulle
For me weird is,
Harteiden paino
My shoulders' weight.
Kaino tyttöni on
My sweet girl is.
Kuiskii hiljaa kaipausta
Quietly whispering it's yearning.
Orpoja niityt,
The fields are lonely,
Niiden maa on musta
Their land is black.
Outo on minulle
For me weird is,
Hallavan peitto
the frosts cover.
Neito unien on
is the lady of dreams.
Siell' huiskii heinämiehen
There flailing a farmer's job,
Työ kuin kuohut koskien
like the foam of a river.
Sen vaahto kivet pukee,
It's froth covers the rocks,
Tasainen on virta sen
It has a steady stream.
Kun kohdalleni osuu,
When it arrives to me,
Tuoksuu tuoreet heinäset
The fresh hay's scent.
Niittää en saata
I won't harvest,
Tuot' vanhaa soista maata
That old swampy land.
Kun astun viime askeleen
When I take my final step,
Voi kuolleen kukkasen
That lady can pick up
Jo poimia tuo neito
the dead flower.
Uneni kuin tietäen
Like she'd know my dream,
Etten unesta herää
That I won't wake up from it.
Alla harmaan kelon
Under a gray trunk,
Jos aika elon
If the time of living,
Käy läpi kaiken pelon
goes through all fear.
Olen täällä vieraana vaan
I'm here only as a quest.
Vieraita laaksot
Unfamiliar valleys,
Jäänet jo unholaan
Have already been forgotten.
Outo on minulle
For me weird is,
Harteiden paino
My shoulders' weight.
Kaino tyttöni on
My sweet girl is.
Kuiskii hiljaa kaipausta
Quietly whispering it's yearning.
Orpoja niityt,
The fields are lonely,
Niiden maa on musta
Their land is black.
Outo on minulle
For me weird is,
Hallavan peitto
the frosts cover.
Neito unien on
is the lady of dreams.
Kuiskii hiljaa kaipausta
Quietly whispering it's yearning.
Orpoja niityt,
The fields are lonely,
Niiden maa on musta
Their land is black.
Outo on minulle
For me weird is,
Hallavan peitto
the frosts cover.
Neito unien on
is the lady of dreams.
Tiedän, ei elo vain
I know, that living
Huomisen vuoksi
just for tomorrow.
Tuntuu kuin hetkestä
It feels like from a moment
Askeleet juoksi
the steps ran away.
Nyt aika katoaa,
Now time is disappearing,
Haihtuu varjoihin
Fading in to the shadows.
Kuin rauhaton
Like restless,
Ja poissa uneni on
and gone is my dream.