Translation of the song Carul cu boi artist Romanian Folk
Carul cu boi
The ox driven cart
Pân’ ce electricitate
Before electricity
Căi ferate și vapori
Train tracks and steams
Încă nu erau aflate
Were discovered
Mergeau toate fără zor
Everything went smoothly 1
Câci bâtranii erau moi
Becouse the elders were carefree
Își mânau carul cu boi
They were leading the ox driven cart
Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea1 !
To the left, to the right! To the left, to the right!2
Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea !
To the left, to the right! To the left, to the right!
Azi zburăm pe căi ferate
Today we fly on the trains tracks 3
Prin vagoane îndesate
In boxy waggons
Sosind cu capetele sparte
We arrive (to the destinaton) with broken heads
Nemâncați și degeraţi
Famished and frozen
De cât cu atâtea nevoi
Its better to lead an ox driven cart
Mai bine cu car cu boi
Than to have so many worries
Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea ! Hâis, cea !
To the left, to the right! To the left, to the right!