Translation of the song Sus la 'naltul cerului artist Romanian Folk


Sus la 'naltul cerului

English translation

Way up in the sky

Sus la 'naltul ceruluiu, la mijlocul raiuluiu

Way up in the sky, in the middle of Heaven

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

In vârful nouã meri, arde-şi nouã lumânãri,

On the top of 9 apple trees, I will light you 9 candles

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Pica nouã picaturi, trei de vin şi trei de mir

9 drops are dropping, 3 of wine and 3 of holy oil

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Trei de apã limpejoarã, sã facã de-o bãişoarã

3 of clear water, to make a little bath

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Dar în ea cine se scaldã, scaldã Bunul Dumnezeu

But who will bathe there, bathe good God

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Tot se scaldã, se'mbã ieşte, cu apã se limpe e zeşte

He keeps bathing, he is bathing, with water he rinses

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Cu sfânt mir se miruieşte, şi cu vinui segrijeşte

With holy oil he rinses, and with wine he attends (himself)

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Tot se scaldã, şi se'ntrea bã, ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pãmânt

He keeps bathing, and he keeps asking to himself, what is the best thing on this Earth

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pãmânt, nu-i mai bun ca boul bunu

The best thing on this Earth, isn't better than our good ox

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

El îşi trage brazdã neagrã, şi ne face pâine dalbã

It makes a black track (with the plow), and it makes us white bread

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pãmânt, nu-i mai bun ca calul bunu

The best thing on this Earth, isn't better than our good horse

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

El calea de nouã zile ti-o calcã în douã zile

He gallops your 9 day journey in just 2 days

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pãmânt, nu-i mai bun ca oaia buna

The best thing on this Earth, isn't better than our good sheep

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

Ea cu brânzã te hrãneşte, şi cu lâna te'ncãlzeşte

It feeds us with cheese, and with her wool it keeps us warm

Corindeleşi, Doamne, corinde

You are carolling, God, you are carolling

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