Translation of the song Dado lea'ń chirui ciuprachea artist Armânji Hârioshi
Dado lea'ń chirui ciuprachea
Mother, I Lost My Hairpin
Dado lea'n chirui ciuprachea, (biss)
Mother, i lost my hairpin, (biss)
di nj'armasi shi mirachea. (biss)
regret is all i have left. (biss)
Di'un lai gioni msheat dit hoară (biss)
I keep thinking about that beautiful lad from the village, (biss)
gioni cu'un cal lai bâtacu. (biss)
that lad with a wild horse. (biss)
Mi dideshi pi'un picurar, (biss)
You married me to a shepherd, (biss)
picurar tsârushi azvarna. (biss)
a shepherd with broken shoes. (biss)