Dilek yolunda ölmek Türklere olmaz tasa,
To die for the sake of an aim wouldnt matter for Turks
Türk’e boyun eğdirir yalnız türeyle yasa;
It is only law and rules what makes Turks bow down
Yedi ordu birleşip kaşımızda parlasa
If seven armies were to unite and attack against us
Onu kanla söndürür parçalarız, yeneriz.
We would have defeat them within blood
Biz Turfanı yarattık uyku uyurken Batı
We bring Turan into being when the West was asleep
Nuh doğmadan kişnedi ordularımızın atı.
The horses of our army roared before Noah was born
Sorsan şöyle diyecek gök denilen şu çatı:
If you ask sky, this sky called worldtop will go like:
Türk gücü bir yıldırım, Türk bilgisi bir deniz.
Turkish power is as strong as a lightling, Turkish knowledge is as big as a sea
Delinse yer, çökse gök,yansa, kül olsa dört yan,
If the ground were to break down, the sky were to fall, whole world were to burnt to a frazzle
Yüce dileğe doğru yine yürürüz yayan.
We would take firm steps forward our aim
Yıldırımdan, tipiden, kasırgadan yılmayan,
Of lightnings, snow storms, hurricanes, we are not afraid
Ölümlerle eğlenen tunç yürekli Türkleriz...
We are the brave Turks who make fun of death