Welchen Spitz
What is your Nick...
Welchen Spitznamen hast du?
What is your nickname?
Aus was besteht Faxe?
What does Faxe consist of?
Was brauchst du zum auf Klo gehen?
What do you need to go to the toilet
Drei Redbull
Three Redbull
Wo wohnst du?
Where do you live?
Was brauchst du zum Zigaretten drehen?
What do you need to roll cigarettes?
Drei Redbull
Three Redbull
Was steht auf deinen T-Shirt drauf?
What is written on your T-Shirt?
Was mögen Bäume gern?
What do trees really like?
Was wächst in der Erde?
What grows in the dirt?
Was wächst in der Erde?
What grows in the dirt?
Was hebt die Stimmung vor dem Schlafen gehen?
What lightens the mood before going to bed?
Drei Redbull
Three Redbull
Im Kühlschrank
In the fridge
Stehen zwei Redbull
Are two Redbull
und zwei Faxe
and two cans Faxe
Was schmeckt gut?
What tastes good?
Was hängt an deiner Kette?
What hangs on your chain?
Was hängt an der Toilette?
What hangs on the toilet?
Was trinkst du auf der Kälte?
What do you drink when its cold?
Aus was besteht Mezzomix?
What does Mezzomix consist of?
Aus was besteht Faxe?
What does Faxe consist of?