Translation of the song 365247 artist DAY6
거짓말 같아
It's like a lie
지금의 우리는
Us right now is
현실 같지는 않아
not realistic
몽환적인 기분
The dream-like feeling
너의 손짓과 몸짓
Your hand gestures and body gestures
전부 다 약간 느리게
Everything all kind of slow
보이는 게 이상해 yeah
Whatever I see is odd yeah
밤이 찾아오는 하늘처럼
Like the clouds that approach the night
(Getting redder)
(Getting redder)
어두워질수록 불이 붙어
The darker it gets, the fire sticks
(Getting hotter)
(Getting hotter)
다시 새벽 노을이 찾아올 때까지
Until the dawn sunrise approaches again
We get it on
We get it on
365 24 7
365 24 7
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Ready babe
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
Yeah, we jumping into fire
갈수록 뜨거워져
It becomes hotter as it goes
데이더라도 손을 놓지 마 Baby
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
낮이 밝아도
Even if the day is bright
아무 문제없어
There is no problem
커튼은 언제라도
The curtain can be covered
칠 수 있으니까 걱정 마
Anytime don't worry
12시간 정도만 기다리면
If you wait for about 12 hours
저녁은 돌아와 주니까
The night returns anyways
Baby don’t worry
Baby don’t worry
시간은 많아
There is lot of time
남은 인생 다 쏟을 거니까
The rest of life will be poured out anyways
밤이 찾아오는 하늘처럼
Like the clouds that approach the night
(Getting redder)
(Getting redder)
어두워질수록 불이 붙어
The darker it gets, the fire sticks
(Getting hotter)
(Getting hotter)
다시 새벽 노을이 찾아올 때까지
Until the dawn sunrise approaches again
We get it on
We get it on
365 24 7
365 24 7
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Ready babe
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
Yeah, we jumping into fire
갈수록 뜨거워져
It becomes hotter as it goes
데이더라도 손을 놓지 마 Baby
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
내 곁에
Be by
있어 줘
my side
Even though we could burn
Even though we could burn
어디 갈
Don't think
생각 마
about going anywhere
We jumping into fire
We jumping into fire
내 곁에
Be by
있어 줘
my side
Even though we could burn
Even though we could burn
어디 갈
Don't think
생각 마
about going anywhere
We jumping into fire
We jumping into fire
Ready babe
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
Yeah, we jumping into fire
갈수록 뜨거워져
It becomes hotter as it goes
데이더라도 손을 놓지 마 Baby
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah
Oh yeah