Translation of the song جنة artist Maher Zain
مهما ذُقنا .. مِن لذّتها
No matter how much we taste .. of its sweetness
و مرارتها .. فغداً تُنسى
Or its bitterness .. soon it will be forgotten
ما الدنيا إلا دارُ عُبورْ .. ما فيها يَبلى و يَبورْ
This life is but a place of transit .. All that's in it will wither and perish
يا ربي فلا تَفتِنّا
O Lord, don't try us!
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
Paradise, Paradise it's all I wish for
فالدنيا تَبلى مافيها يَفنى
This world is mortal, all that's in it will disappear
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
Paradise, Paradise it's all I wish for
يا ربي فارزقنا رؤياك في الجنّةْ
O Lord, grant us the joy of seeing You in Paradise
فبها نَلقى .. أحمدَ و الصَّحبِ
It is where we'll meet .. Our Prophet and his companions
آه واشَوْقاه .. لنظرةِ ربي
Oh, how I long .. for the sight of my Lord!
سلامٌ راحةٌ أمنٌ .. بها ما لم ترَ عينٌ
Peace, comfort, and security .. in it is what no eye has ever seen
ندعوك فلا تَحرمنا
We pray to You do not deprive us of this joy
بين يديكَ ستُعرَضُ يوماً أعمالي
One day my deeds will be presented before You
لا ينفعني أهلي صحبي أو مالي
Neither my family, friends, nor wealth will be of use to me
ليس سِوى رحمتِكَ اللَّهُمَّ رَجائي
Your mercy is only my hope
أكرِمني بالعفوِ و حقّق آمالي
Grant me forgiveness and make my wishes come true