Translation of the song OBLAGALE SE DEVET OVČARA artist Bilja Krstić
Nine sheep have been yeaning
Oblagale se, more, devet ovčara
Nine sheep have been yeaning
Iz devet trle more devet jaganjci
from nine nests nine lambs
Od staru majku more, muško detence
of an old mother baby boy
Od mladoženju more, mlada nevesta
of a bridegroom a young bride
Od devojčence xanam kovano đerdance
of (from) a little girl ductile đerdan (a sort of necklace)
Konak da konači, more, da se ne ukradne
To stay in a doss house (billet,shelter but I think they think of a place where sheep are kept or the brood place), not to be stolen (sheep or lambs)
Kad se probudile, more, jaganjci gi nema
When they woke up, there were no lambs
Of tugo Bože more, tugo do Boga
Oh, God, woe is me!
Sinoc' mi bevu, more, s' gi mi nema
Last night they were there, now they've gone/disappeared (now I without them, I'm lacking them)
Kako da kažemo, xanam, na naši družina?
How to tell that to our crew (gang, friends)?
Kad se probudila more, stara mi majka
When my old mother woke up
Kad pogladala dete, vu ga nema
when she looked around (took a look) - her kid was gone
Kad se probudija xanam, mladi mladoženja
when a young bridegroom woke up
Kad pogledaja more, nevesta gu nema
wheh he took a look around, his bride was gone
Of tugo Bože more, jadan do Boga
Oh, God, woe is me! poor (male) me!
Sinoc' mi beše, s' g mi gu nema
Last night he/she was there, now I he's gone
Kako ja da kažem xanam, na moji družina?
How can I tell that to my crew?
Kad se probudilo more, toj mlado devojče
When the young girl woke up
Kad pogledalo more, đerdanče ga nema
when she took a look around, there was no little đerdan
Of tugo Bože more, jadna do Boga
Oh,God, poor (female) me!
Sinoc' mi beše more, s' g mi gu nema
Last night it was there, now it's not
Kako ja da kažu xanam, na moje drugačke?
How to tell that now to my friends (female friends)?