Translation of the song Rasla dunja i jabuka artist Bilja Krstić
Rasla dunja i jabuka
Growing quince and apple
Rasla dunja, rasla dunja,
Quince was growing, quince was growing
dunja i jabuka,
quince and apple
dunja i jabuka.
quince and apple
Dunja baca, dunja baca
Quince throws, quince throws
miris na sve strane,
her smell to everywhere
miris na sve strane.
her smell to everywhere
A jabuka, a jabuka
And apple, and apple
grane u visine,
her branches in the sky
a jabuka grane u visine.
and apple branches in the sky
Ne čudim se, ne čudim se
I don't wonder, i don't wonder
dunje i jabuke,
quinces and apples
dunje i jabuke.
quinces and apples
Već se čudim, milom dragom,
I wonder, to my darling
što se na me naljutio,
why is he mad at me
na me naljutio.
mad at me
Ako sam ga, pogledala,
If I look at him
nisam sevdisala,
I'didnt fall in love with him
srcem sevdisala.
with my heart loving him
Moje srce, moje srce
My heart, my heart
svakog ne sevdiše,
don't love anybody
svakog ne sevdiše.
don't love anyobody
Već sevdiše, već sevdiše,
He loves, hes loves
jedinca ju majke,
only mother's son
već sevdiše jedinca ju majke.
he loves only mother's son