Translation of the song أغيبُ وذو اللطائف لا يغيبُ artist Mishary Al Afasy
أغيبُ وذو اللطائف لا يغيبُ
I stay away but the subtle one is never away.
أغيبُ وذو اللطائفِ لا يغيبُ
I stay away but the subtle one is never away.
و أرجوهُ رجاءً لا يخيبُ
I have a hope in him and I expect that he will never let me down.
وأسألهُ السلامة َ منْ زمانٍ
And I ask him to keep me safe from such period.
بليتُ بهِ نوائبهْ تشيبُ
A period of trail which calamities turn the hair white.
وأنزلُ حاجتي في كلِّ حالٍ
And I ask for my needs in every situation
إلى منْ تطمئنُّ بهِ القلوبُ
From the one whom our hearts trust and reply on.
فكمْ للهِ منْ تدبيرِ أمرٍ
How many times Allah arranged things.
طوتهُ عنِ المشاهدة ِ الغيوبُ
Things that were concealed by the unseen.
وكمْ في الغيبِ منْ تيسيرِ عسرٍ
And how many times in the unseen there are facilitation of difficulties.
و منْ تفريجِ نائبة ٍ تنوبُ
And relieve of calamities that come about
ومنْ كرمٍ ومنْ لطفٍ خفيٍّ
And how much generosity and concealed kindness
و منْ فرجٍ تزولُ بهِ الكروبُ
And how much relief that clears sufferings.
و ماليَ غيرُ بابِ اللهِ بابٌ
And who else door I could knock other than his door.
و لا مولى سواهُ ولا حبيبُ
And who else is my lord and my love.
كريمٌ منعمٌ برٌّ لطيفٌ
The Most Generous, Benefactor, Source of all Goodness, The Subtle one.
جميلُ السترِ للداعي مجيبُ
The one who gracefully cover our sins and respond to our supplications.
حليمٌ لا يعاجلُ بالخطايا
The Forbearing one, who never anticipates our sins.
رحيمٌ غيثُ رحمتهِ يصوبُ
The Merciful, whose flood of mercy is overwhelming us.
فيا ملكَ الملوكِ أقلْ عثاري
O, Sovereign Lord steady me when I stumble.
فإني عنكَ أنأتني الذنوبُ
Though my sins have kept me far away from you.
و أمرضني الهوى لهوانِ حظي
And I’m sick of my fancy desires that led to my shameful fortune.
ولكنْ ليسَ غيركَ لي طبيبُ
Yet you are only healer.
فآمنْ روعتي واكبتْ حسوداً
O, calm my fears and suppress my envier.
فانَّ النائباتِ لها نيوبُ
And guard me from the fangs of calamities.
وآنسني بأولادي وأهلي
And combine me with my children and family.
فقدْ يستوحشُ الرجلُ الغريبُ
Because a foreign guy would feel desolate.
ولي شجنٌ بأطفالٍ صغارٍ
I feel very anxious about my little children.
أكادُ إذا ذكرتهمُ أذوبُ
I’m about to melt whenever I mention them.
ولكني نبذتُ زمامَ أمري
But I gave up the power of government.
لمنْ تدبيرهُ فينا عجيبُ
To the one who amazingly plans our destinies.
هو الرحمنُ حولي واعتصامي
He is the Beneficent who is always around me, and whom I always seek his shelter.
بهِ وإليهِ مبتهلاً أتيبُ
And whom I supplicate to and turn to in repentance.
إلهي أنتَ تعلمُ كيفَ حالي
O, my Deity you know my situation.
فهلْ يا سيدي فرجٌ قريبُ
O, my Master will there be any forthcoming relief.
فيا ديانَ يومِ الدينِ فرجْ
O, creditor of the resurrection day please relief.
هموماً في الفؤادِ لها دبيبُ
Relief those creeping worries and sorrows in my heart.
وصلْ حبلي بحبلِ رضاكَ
And tie my rope to the the rope of your satisfaction
وانظرْ إلى َّ وتبْ على َّ عسى أتوبُ
And look at me and forgive me, perhaps I would be able to repent.
وراعي حمايتي وتولى نصري
And maintain my protection, and take charge of my victory.
وشدَّ عرايَّ إن عرتِ الخطوبُ
And strengthen me whenever I face problems.
وألهمني لذكركَ طولَ عمري
And inspire me to praise you throughout my entire life.
فإنَ بذكركَ الدنيا تطيبُ
Cause only with you praise life become pleasant.
وقلْ عبدُ الرحيمِ ومنْ يليهِ
O, I’m the servant of the Most Merciful and whoever comes after me.
لهمْ في ريفِ رأفتنا نصيبُ
Would have a share from the field of his kindness.
فظني فيكَ يا سندي جميلٌ
O, my support, I have a graceful believe in you.
و مرعى ذودُ آمالي خصيبُ
And I hope that my victuals’ pasture would be fertile.
وصلِّ على النبيِّ وآلهِ ما
And my your blessings be upon the prophet and his family,
ترنمَ في الأراكِ العندليبِ
As long as the Nightingale keeps on signing on the Arak tree.