Translation of the song ALICE feat. Smrtdeath artist 4s4ki
ALICE feat. Smrtdeath
ALICE feat. Smrtdeath
その 愛 の 鞭 囚 われの 命
The whip of love, the life of a prisoner.
少 しの 勇気 があればな
I wish I had a little courage.
逃 げ 出 せたはずなのに 迷路
The maze that I could have escaped from.
追 いかける 兎 の 目 の 色 を
The color of the rabbit's eyes
染 めていく 赤 い 血 の 戦争
The war of red blood staining the color of the rabbit's eyes
誰 も 聞 いてない 街 の 警報
The city's alarm that no one hears
ミスがないよう 張 る 落 とし 罠
It's a trap to make sure you don't make a mistake.
落 ちたくせに 落 ちてないふりのママ
You've fallen, but you pretend you haven't.
いい 加減 に 歯 を 磨 きなさいバカ
Brush your teeth for good measure, you idiot.
これ 美味 しいいちご 味 だなんだこれ
It's a good strawberry flavor.
Feel like they clipped my wings
Feel like they clipped my wings
Tryna keep me down
Tryna keep me down
Call me Alice I'm in chains
Call me Alice I'm in chains
Please just let me out
Please just let me out
Didn't wanna play these games
Didn't wanna play these games
But I'm still lost
But I'm still lost
Everything that I got left
Everything that I got left
Could fit right in a pill box
Could fit right in a pill box
Can't go, I'll stay
Can't go, I'll stay
But I don't like it this way
But I don't like it this way
Can't fake, no pain
Can't fake, no pain
So I guess Ill feel the shame
So I guess Ill feel the shame
I've lost my way
I've lost my way
But I can't recall the days
But I can't recall the days
No I can't recall the days
No I can't recall the days
When everything felt okay
When everything felt okay