Translation of the song gemstone feat. Puppet artist 4s4ki
gemstone feat. Puppet
gemstone feat. Puppet
Dive into the air that's clear as a lie
I want to leave my body in your arms, let's forget about even breathing
let it die ダラダラともう何回
let it die how many times?
How many times do I have to repeat it? It's the worst loop ever
I trusted him, and now he's like this, he's like nothing.
みんな感じ悪いって言うけど もはや何目線で語ってるんだ
People say I'm not nice, but I don't know what they're talking about anymore.
What am I worth in comparison? What about the dirt on my arms that I can't hide?
Why don't you just cut them off and let flowers bloom from your elbows?
It's sad to think of it as a transparent scheme
I'm crushed by the desperate plans that still lie ahead
Are we done here? Somebody help me, please.
本当は救われたい 誰も許してくれないけど
I really want to be saved, though no one will forgive me
let it die カラカラに腐り
Let it die
I'd like to die a slow death.
Hey, what do you think?
What did you say?
stuck tryna scream my dying breath
stuck tryna scream my dying breath
can’t seem to quit
can’t seem to quit
I’m tired yet I try to fit in
I’m tired yet I try to fit in
until I drown again
until I drown again
Is that so?
if no one’s come to save me yet
if no one’s come to save me yet
this final screams my only bet
this final screams my only bet
bravery’s worth more
bravery’s worth more
when you’re dead
when you’re dead
gemstone in my heart
gemstone in my heart
gemstone in your head
gemstone in your head