Translation of the song REIMEN artist 4s4ki
gn Baby 腹の中超痛い
gn Baby My stomach hurts so much
案外 冷麺 スルスルいけない
Surprisingly, cold noodles are not smooth
gn Baby 楽しかった今日ね
gn Baby, today was fun
終電ないね 行こうよ楽園
There's no last train, let's go, Paradise
外で鳴く鳥 僕は勘ぐり これは間違い
Birds singing outside, I can't believe it, this is wrong.
家に帰りたい 家に帰りたい 家に帰りたい
I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home
まだかな まだかな トイレ長いな
Not yet? Not yet. The toilet is long.
まだかな まだかな もう帰るんで
Not yet. Not yet. I'm going home now.