Translation of the song Ό,τι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια artist Dimitris Mitropanos
Ό,τι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια
Whatever I touch with my hands
Ό,τι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια καταστρέφεται
Whatever I touch with my hands gets destroyed
κι ότι μου χαρίζουν γράφει επιστρέφεται
And whatever is given to me has to be returned written on it
Άλλη μια γυναίκα μ’ έκανε να κλάψω
One more woman made me cry
μ’ έκανε να κλάψω σαν μικρό παιδί
Made me cry like a small child
και να καταριέμαι που `χω γεννηθεί
And curse because I was born
Ότι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια καταστρέφεται
Whatever I touch with my hands gets destroyed
κι ότι μου χαρίζουν γράφει επιστρέφεται
And whatever is given to me has to be returned written on it
Ότι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια καταστρέφεται
Whatever I touch with my hands gets destroyed
κι ότι μου χαρίζουν γράφει επιστρέφεται
And whatever is given to me has to be returned written on it
Άλλη μια γυναίκα πέρασε και πάει
One more woman came and is gone
πέρασε και πάει σαν τη συμφορά
Came and is gone like disaster
και ξαναπονάω άλλη μια φορά
And one more time I'm in pain
Ότι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια καταστρέφεται
Whatever I touch with my hands gets destroyed
κι ότι μου χαρίζουν γράφει επιστρέφεται
And whatever is given to me has to be returned written on it
Ότι πιάνω εγώ στα χέρια καταστρέφεται
Whatever I touch with my hands gets destroyed
κι ότι μου χαρίζουν γράφει επιστρέφεται
And whatever is given to me has to be returned written on it