Translation of the song VIVID artist AB6IX
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Do you know it? Do you know it?
Do you know it? Do you know it?
너와 나의 색감들이 조금씩 더 선명해지는 게
That our colors are becoming more vivid, bit by bit
(You make me so vivid)
(You make me so vivid)
점점 더 선명해지는 걸
Gradually becoming more vivid just like the thick colors
팔레트 위를 수놓은 짙은 색깔들처럼 oh
That embroider the surface of a palette, oh
너와 내가 섞여갈수록 더
The more you and I mix
뚜렷해지는 color 두 눈앞에 펼쳐져
The more these colors come into focus and spread before my eyes
일곱 가지 무지개 빛깔로 너와 내가 섞여
In rainbow iridescence you and I mix
상상 이상의 아름다움을 만들어내
Creating a beauty that surpasses imagination
원하는 color를 골라 뭐 나올지 난 몰라
Pick the color you want, I won't know what's the result
나와 함께 올라올라 짙어져 my life
Come on up, up with me, deepening my life
I'm gonna be ya Dali
I'm gonna be ya dali
So please be my Gala, girl
So please be my gala, girl
우리의 색깔은 vivid 채도는 진하게
Our color is vivid, the saturation is rich
점점 뚜렷해 지는걸 느끼지 더 밝게 빛나게
Feels like it's getting more distinct, let's have it shine brighter
덧칠해 줘 덧칠해 줘 (눈이 부실 때까지)
Paint over it, paint over it (Until it's dazzling)
진하게 더욱 진하게 (스며들어)
Thicker, make it thicker (Till it's soaking in)
This is what I wanted 모든 게 (vivid)
This is what I wanted, everything's (Vivid)
뚜렷하고 강해지는데 (vivid)
It's distinct and strong (Vivid)
Once twice 덧칠할 때마다 더욱 진해지고
Once, twice, it gets thicker every time I paint over it
네가 더 선명해지는 게 (vivid)
You're becoming more vivid (Vivid)
Vivid Vivid 모든 감각들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the senses are
Vivid Vivid 모든 감정들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the feelings are
뚜렷해지고 너의 목소리가 날 부를 때
Distinctly, when your voice calls for me
It makes me go vivid vivid
It makes me go vivid, vivid
You make me so vivid
You make me so vivid
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Do you know it? Do you know it?
Do you know it? Do you know it?
너와 나의 색감들이 조금씩 더 선명해지는 게
That our colors are becoming more vivid, bit by bit
우린 섞여야만 아름다운 색이 나와
It's only when we mix that beautiful colors come out
더 밝게 더 깊게 더 진하게 어울리게
Brighter, deeper, thicker, matching
끝없이 색을 창조해 만들어가
Let's create colors endlessly
우리의 색으로 이 세상을 다 채울게
Let's fill this world with our colors
덧칠해 줘 덧칠해 줘 (눈이 부실 때까지)
Paint over it, paint over it (Until it's dazzling)
진하게 더욱 진하게 (스며들어)
Thicker, make it thicker (Till it's soaking in)
This is what I wanted 모든 게 (vivid)
This is what I wanted, everything's (Vivid)
뚜렷하고 강해지는데 (vivid)
It's distinct and strong (Vivid)
Once twice 덧칠할 때마다 더욱 진해지고
Once, twice, it gets thicker every time I paint over it
네가 더 선명해지는 게 (vivid)
You're becoming more vivid (Vivid)
Vivid Vivid 모든 감각들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the senses are
Vivid Vivid 모든 감정들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the feelings are
뚜렷해지고 너의 목소리가 날 부를 때
Distinctly, when your voice calls for me
It makes me go vivid vivid
It makes me go vivid, vivid
You make me so vivid
You make me so vivid
You gotta love yourself you know
You gotta love yourself you know
No matter what they say just go
No matter what they say just go
You're just too good to be true oh
You're just too good to be true oh
(Too good to be true)
(Too good to be true)
우리 둘이 함께 있어야 비로소 완성이 돼
Only when we're together can this be complete
너 없는 난 그저 연필 없는 도화지
Me without you is just a sketchbook without its pencil
또 하지 네 생각을 수도 없이 되풀이해
I'm going through your thoughts again
우리의 색은 점점 더 짙어져 more vivid
For the umpteenth time, our colors are becoming thicker, more vivid
(Just too good to be true oh)
(Just too good to be true oh)
Vivid Vivid 모든 감각들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the senses are
Vivid Vivid 모든 감정들이 다
Vivid, vivid, all the feelings are
뚜렷해지고 너의 목소리가 날 부를 때
Distinctly, when your voice calls for me
It makes me go vivid vivid
It makes me go vivid, vivid
You make me so vivid
You make me so vivid
So so vivid (vivid)
So so vivid (Vivid)
선명해져 can you feel it?
Becoming vivid, can you feel it?
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
뚜렷해져 더욱더 확실해져
Becoming more distinct, becoming more certain
온 세상을 너라는 컬러로 짙게 색칠을 해
Paint the world thickly with this color called you
So so vivid (vivid)
So so vivid (Vivid)
온통 너로 짙게 물들여
Everything's dyed distinctly with you
나의 꿈마저도 너로 채워지네
Even my dreams are filled with you
You make me so vivid
You make me so vivid