Translation of the song Cand ingerii pleaca artist Nane
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave
Ah, ma poti numi demon pe mine
Ah, you can call me a demon,
Ca sunt atat de sincer incat nu ma pot abtine
For I'm so frank I can't refrain
Sa nu spun ce nu-mi convine
From saying what I'm not fine with
Prea mult respect de sine
Too much self-respect
N-am de gand sa ma las calcat in picioare de nimeniInsa despre tine
I'm not gonna let myself trampeled on by anyone, but about you
Sincer nu stiu ce sa zic
I honestly don't know what to say
Uneori pari sa te invinetesti doar cand te ating
Sometimes you seem to turn purple when I just touch you
Ori de cate ori incerc sa-ti aprind un bec, o idee
Whenever I try to enlighten you about an idea
Totul pare sa arda in jurul meu ca dintr-o scanteie
Everything seems to be burning around me as if from a spark
Am nevoie de o cheie sa ma trimita inapoi
I need a key to take me back
In locul meu intunecat fara de soare sau ploi
To my dark place with no sun or rain
Fara tine, fara noi, fara discutii in doi
No you, no us, no discussions between two people
Doar eu cu mine si sa nu mai venim inapoi
Just me and myself, and we're never coming back
Dracu stie cum, de am ramas fara sanse
Hell knows how I've run out of chances,
Ce ironic, pare ca am in frunte 6-6-6
How ironic, I seem to have 666 written all over my forehead
Daca tu esti ingerul, atunci port eu coarnele
If you're the angel, then I shall wear the horns
Ma intorc unde demonii ma asteapta cu goarnele
I return to the place where demons wait for me with their bugles
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Am incercat sa fiu alt om
I tried to be a different man,
Dar nu ai vrut altu'
But you didn't want another
Am revenit la vechiul eu
I returned to being my old self,
A crapat asfaltulIntre noi doi scumpo
The asphalt between us has cracked open, sweetheart
E un crater imens
It's a huge chasm,
Uita-te in ochii mei
Look into my eyes
Daca intru nu mai ies
If I'm in, I'm never getting out
E un singur sens
It's only one way
Stim amandoi ce-am ales
We both know what we chose
Te-am vrut pe tine
It's you that I wanted,
Dar lucrurile, no, n-au mers
But no, things didn't work out
Poti sa ma consideri sters
You can consider me erased from your life,
Guma peste creion
Pencil traces rubbed away
Cred ca asta-i prabusirea marelui Babilon
I think that's the fall of great Babylon
Vezi tu, inceputul a fost extraordinar
You see, the beinning was extraordinary,
Imaculat, acum simt totul asa murdar
Spotless, now everything seems so dirty to me
Har din har in har
Grace out of grace in grace
Si ai un ras asa fortat
And you've got such a fake laugh
O sa vedem daca sunt demon si cand sunt plecat
We'll see if I'm still a demon when I'm gone
Macar sunt barbat sa imi asum partile mele proaste
At least I'm a man and I shoulder my bad side
Tu esti femeie doar cat vad eu partile frumoase
You only are a woman as long as I see the bright side
Deci, cand ingerii pleaca, Demonul sunt eu
So, when angels leave, I'm the demon
Totusi, sa spun ca tu esti ingerul mi-e tare greu
Still, saying that you're the angel is very hard for me
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon
Cand ingerii pleaca
When angels leave,
Demonul sunt eu
I'm the demon