Translation of the song Noi Doi artist Nane
Noi Doi
Us Two
Noi doi avem o dragoste ciudata
We have a strange love
Nu ne-ntelegem niciodata
We never agree
Vrem lucruri diferite si totusi,
We want different things and somehow
Avem atatea lucruri in comun.
Still have so many things in common
Noi doi, ne intelegem din priviri
Us two, we understand each other only from looks
N-avem nevoie de trecut, de amintiri
We don't need the past, the memories
Avem prezentul si viitorul
We have the present and the future
Hai sa facem cumva sa ne luam zborul.
Let's find a way to fly away
Ah, intinde-mi mana si iarta-ma
Ah, give me your hand and forgive me
Stiu ca ti-am mai spus-o si-alta data, dar iata-ma
I know I've said it before, but I'm here
Sunt alt om sau cel putin incerc,
I changed or at least I'm trying to
Ca simt ca de-o buna perioada ne-nvartim in cerc.
Cause I feel like we're stuck in a circle for some time
Si ne certam si ne-mpacam si ne certam
And we fight and we make up and we fight
Si ne-mpacam si ne certam iara...
And we make up and we fight again...
Da, pare ultima seara-n doi,
Yes, it seems like it's our last night together,
Dar vreau sa stii ca eu am incredere in noi!
But I want you to know I believe in us!
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca soarele si luna
We're like the sun and the moon
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Alunecam pe cer mereu, intr-una.
We're always sliding across the sky
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca praful de stele
We're like stardust
Stii bine ca doar tu
You know very well that only you
Esti fata din visele mele.
Are my dream girl
Ah! Azi nu ma mai suporti si vrei sa plec
Today you are fed up and you want me to leave
Dar maine o sa ma suni sa-mi spui ca suntem un intreg.
But tomorrow you're gonna call and tell me we're a whole
Nu mai inteleg, nici nu ma mai strofoc,
I don't understand, gave up trying to,
Stiu bine c-am plecat sa am de unde sa ma-ntorc...
I know very well, I left so I'll have where to come back
Rau cu rau, dar mai rau e fara rau...
Bad is bad, but without it it's worse...
Cine l-ar putea inlocui pe dobitocul tau?
Who could take your dummy's place?
Stiu... eu-s ala care beat-mort o arde prost,
I know...I'm the one who's blackout drunk and does stupid things,
Dar fara mine acasa, nu te simti la adapost.
But without me home, you don't feel at home
Uneori poate sunt un adevarat badaran,
Maybe sometimes I'm a real jerk,
Dar crede-ma, fetito, stiu sa pretuiesc ce am!
But trust me, girl, I know how to value what I have!
Ca langa tine uit sa-mi mai pun probleme de bani
Cause beside you I forget about money
Iar in caz ca ma blochez, imi dai elan!
And in case I freeze, you push me!
N-am niciun plan, ma bazez pe instinct
I don't have a plan, I go with my instinct
Si nu tre' sa-ntreb ce iti doresti, fiindca te simt.
And you don't have to ask for anything, cause I feel you.
Nu pot sa mint, uneori cred ca nu fac fata
I can't lie, sometimes I think I can't do it
Dar daca n-am fi doi, nu cred c-ar exista balanta! Ah!
But if we weren't two, there would be no balance!
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca soarele si luna
We're like the sun and the moon
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Alunecam pe cer mereu, intr-una.
We're always sliding across the sky
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca praful de stele
We're like stardust
Stii bine ca doar tu
You know very well that only you
Esti fata din visele mele.
Are my dream girl
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca soarele si luna
We're like the sun and the moon
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Alunecam pe cer mereu, intr-una.
We're always sliding across the sky
Noi doi, noi doi,
Us two, us two,
Suntem la fel ca praful de stele
We're like stardust
Stii bine ca doar tu
You know very well that only you
Esti fata din visele mele!
Are my dream girl!