Translation of the song 大雄 (劇場版; Da Hung - Ju Ceung Ban) artist Leo Ku

Chinese (Cantonese)

大雄 (劇場版; Da Hung - Ju Ceung Ban)

English translation

Nobita Nobi (Character in Doraemon)

林保全: 大雄 就算我的法寶袋有幾多法寶都好啦 

Nobita, no matter how magical my pocket is


Confessing your love is a job only you can do for yourself

大膽啲 向靜宜講啦 

Work up the courage to tell Shizuka, will you?

自問是未滿分 自問是沒信心 實在是未夠本事

I doubt if it's because I am a 10, or that I have low self-esteem. But I know it's actually the cowardliness that's stopping me.

我卻要發威一次 太抱歉你未同意

I can be brave for once, sorry if you can't agree

我要這世界知 我對你有幾癡 一想起都覺自私

I will announce to the world, my feelings to you (is that selfish?)

宣佈吧我愛你 可笑是你剛剛至知

It's a bit ridiculous how long it has taken me to do this


I want to travel the lovely world with you


Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said

你想過容納我 但有點怕 是嗎 認喇

You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it


Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies

為你獻花 愛嗎 愛啦

I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.


I will work harder in the future


You might share a part in my prosperity


Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?

林保全: 大雄 你信我啦 我睇到你對靜宜的愛 

Nobita, believe me. I can sense how much you love Shizuka


It's stronger than any of my magical gadgets

去話俾靜宜知啦 佢一定感受到你的真愛嘅 

Go, let her know! She will feel your true love, for sure.

自問是大懶豬 自問是未夠班 但自願被你欺負

Am I too lazy or something?

世界對我太可惡 我愛你卻極頑固

Well, I volunteer for you to take advantage of me or bully me.

我也有我法寶 我永遠對你好 可不可演你丈夫

The world is too cruel to me, but my love to you is stubborn.

不怕令你厭惡 不會令你一刻吃苦

I have my magic too—I will be good to you forever.


I want to travel the lovely world with you


Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said

你想過容納我 但有點怕 是嗎 認喇

You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it


Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies

為你獻花 愛嗎 愛啦

I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.


I will work harder in the future


You might share a part in my prosperity


Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?

林保全: 大雄 我唔可以再陪你好耐架啦 

Nobita, I can't be with you forever.

我走之前最想見到嘅 就係靜宜可以代替我

Before I leave, the thing I want to see most is for Shizuka to take my place


And keep you company for the rest of this life,

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