Translation of the song Livstegn artist Basim



English translation

Sign of Life

Tårene løber fra din kind

Tears run down your cheek,

Jeg ved hvor ondt det gør

I know how much it hurts

Åben op og luk mig ind

Open up and let me in

For alene er smerten større

'Cause the pain is worse by yourself

Når ingenting gir' mening mere

When nothing makes sense anymore

Og din verden den bliver kold og tør

And your world is cold and dry

Blir' jeg her til du indser

I'm here until you realize

At du var alt for god til ham

That you're too good for him

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg tænker på dig nu

I'm thinking about you now

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg leder men hvor er du

I'm looking but where are you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Du kommer igennem det

You'll get through this

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

En dag vil du glemme det

You'll forget about it some day

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

Du gav alt hvad du havde i dig

You gave it everything you had

Forventede aldrig noget tilbage

Never expected anything in return

Og hver gang, jeg svigtede dig

And every time, I let you down

Så troede du på hvert et ord han sagde

So you believed every word he said

De siger at kærlighed gør dig blind

They say love makes you blind

Lad mig åbne dine øjne op

Let me open your eyes

Lad tørre din tåre fra din kind

Let the tears on your cheek dry

For smukke, du har grædt nok

'Cause beautiful, you've cried enough

For han lovede altid han ville være der for dig

'Cause he always promised that he'd be there for you

Hvis det gjorde ondt, lindre smerten for dig

If it hurt, he'd ease the pain for you

Gi' alt i hele verden for dig

Give you everything in the world

Og når hjertet blev tungt, ville han bære det for dig

And when your heart was heavy, he'd carry it for you

Han har gjort det svært for dig, og stole på nogen

He has made it hard for you to trust anyone

Taget hele din verden, vendt den om på hovedet

Took your whole world, turned it upside-down

Det svært når man har mistet modet

It's hard when you've lost hope

Og livet virker helt forskruet

And life seems completely messed up

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg tænker på dig nu

I'm thinking about you now

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg leder men hvor er du

I'm looking but where are you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Du kommer igennem det

You'll get through this

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

En dag vil du glemme det

You'll forget about it some day

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

Lad mig være den du kommer til

Let me be the one you come to

Når livet er hårdt, og alting blir' gråt og sort

When life is hard and everything is gray and black

Lad mig være den du kommer til

Let me be the one you come to

Før du gir' op, for du må aldrig gi op

Before you give up, 'cause you don't need to give up

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg tænker på dig nu

I'm thinking about you now

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Jeg leder men hvor er du

I'm looking but where are you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

Du kommer igennem det

You'll get through this

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

En dag vil du glemme det

You'll forget about it some day

Gi' mig et livstegn

Give me a sign that you're alive

For du ik' alene

'Cause you're not alone

Det skal nok gå det hele

It'll all be fine

Og jeg er altid her for dig

And I'm always here for you

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