Mums ir stress
We are stressed
Raksta vietējās avīzes
Write the local newspapers
Un ko par to saku es?
And what do I say about this?
Tam mums pretstresa zālītes, tādas zālītes
For that we have anti-stress medicine, such medicine,
Ka ej tu nost
that you won't believe
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai
Eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai
Eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever
Tad vēl ir tādas vietas
Then there are places
Kur no avīzēm nav jāuzzin par to, kā iet
Where you don't have to find out how it's going from newspapers
Ja līdz turienei tiec
If you get to there
Ziņas neaizsniedz
News won't reach you
Tā mēs spriežam katru dienu
That's how judge each day
Starp savējiem
Between ourselves,
Tā starp savējiem
Like that, between ourselves
Ziemas raizes jau gaist
Winter's worries are fleeting
Tā, ka siltums mums palīdzēs
The warmth will help us,
Bet, ja kas mums ir zālītes, tādas zālītes
But, if anything, we have medicine, such medicine,
Ka ej tu nost
that you won't believe
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai
Eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Un saucam tās
And we call it
Ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai, ai nu lai
Eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever, eh, whatever
Tad vēl ir tādas vietas
Then there are places
Kur no avīzēm nav jāuzzin par to, kā iet
Where you don't have to find out how it's going from newspapers
Ja līdz turienei tiec
If you get to there
Ziņas neaizsniedz
News won't reach you
Tā mēs spriežam katru dienu
That's how we judge each day
Starp savējiem
Between ourselves,
Tā starp savējiem
Like that, between our kin
Bet, kad gadās būt citur
But when I find myself somewhere else
Un nevar pārkliegt vienatnē kori
And I can't yell louder alone than a choir can
Es sāpi klusībā noriju
I quietly swallow the pain
Un tiecos tikt
And I strive to be
Es tiecos tikt te, starp savējiem
I strive to be here, between my kin
Te starp savējiem
Here, between my kin
Te starp savējiem
Here, between my kin,
Jā, jā, te starp savējiem
Yes, yes, here, between my kin
Te starp savējiem
Here, between my kin
Tad vēl ir tādas vietas
Then there are places
Kur no avīzēm nav jāuzzin par to, kā iet
Where you don't have to find out how it's going from newspapers
Ja līdz turienei tiec
If you get to there
Ziņas neaizsniedz
News won't reach you
Tā mēs spriežam katru dienu
That's how we judge each day
Starp savējiem
Between ourselves,
Tā starp savējiem
Like that, between our kin
Katru dien' starp savējiem
Every day between my kin,
Bet nu gadās būt kādreiz citur
But sometimes I find myself somewhere else,
Un nevar pārkliegt vienatnē kori
And I can't yell louder than a choir can,
Tad sāpi klusībā noriju
Then I quietly swallow the pain,
Un tiecos būt te, starp savējiem
And strive to be here, between my kin
Kur? Te starp savējiem
Where? Here, between my kin