Man bērnība bij grūta,
My childhood was difficult,
Jo māte prostitūta,
Because my mother was a prostitute,
Bet tēvs liels dzērājs bija
And father was a heavy drinker,
Un mira delīrijā.
And died in a delirium.
Un abas vecāsmātes
And both of my grandmothers
Bij zaudējušas prātu.
Had lost their minds
Jo katru rītu rija
Because every morning they devoured
Barbi barbi turātus.
Barbi barbi turates
Tāpēc es tāds
That's why I am such a
patīk ostīt līmi
likes to sniff glue
Ar sniega bālu ģīmi.
with a mug as pale as snow
Man bērnībā bij brālis
I used to have a brother in my childhood
Gandrīz vai ģenerālis,
Almost a general
Viņš tā kā buldogs rēja
He barked like a bulldog
Un blusas komandēja.
And commanded fleas
Bet abām lielām māsām,
But those two big sisters
Kas katra savā krāsā,
Who were each a different color
Tām dzīvē bij’ it viss,
They had everything in life
Jā, arī sifiliss.
Yes, even syphilis
Un tāpēc dzīvo sveiks
And that's why may you live safe
Skan idiotu šeiks.
Idiot shake plays