Translation of the song Kur milzu kalni liekas mazi artist BrainStorm


Kur milzu kalni liekas mazi

English translation

Where the high mountains seem small

Viss sākās ar kliedzienu

It all started with a cry

Ar rupjas maizes riecienu

With a slice of rye bread

Kas zin, kâ tam beigties

Who knows how it all will end

Laiks taču mīl steigties, steigties

Time loves to run, to run

Milzu mākoņi

Huge mountains

Mūsu ezeros platos

Reflect in our lakes

Un milzīgs ir klusums

And great is the silence

Ar kādu es tevī skatos

With which I regard you

Debess spogulī

Let our laughter rest

Lai paliek mūsu smiekli

In the mirror of heavens

Kâ nācām, tâ aiziesim

How we came, so shall we go

Pāri pļavām, viegli, viegli

Gently, gently over the meadows

Kur nav noslēpumiem gala?

Where is there no end to the secrets?

Tur, kur dzīvi skatīt var no malas

There, where life can be seen from the side

Un kur saulriets satiek jūru?

And where is it that sunset meets the sea?

Tur, kur milzu kalni liekas mazi

There, where the high mountains seem small

Kas bijis un kas vēl būs

What has been and what will come?

Vēl nāks rokenrols un vēl būs blūzs

There will be rock'n'roll, there will be blues

Bet nozīme ir tikai tam

But the one thing that matters is

Tam ceļam, ko tieši tagad ejam

The road which we are walking right now

Nevis dzenamies pakaļ vakarējam vējam

Not the yesterday's wind we are chasing

Es klanos gaismai, kuŗa tagad krīt

I bow to the light that is falling

Un ceļam, kuŗu ejam, ejam

And to the road that we are walking, walking

Kur nav noslēpumiem gala?

Where is there no end to the secrets?

Tur, kur dzīvi skatīt var no malas

There, where life can be seen from the side

Un kur saulriets satiek jūru?

And where is it that sunset meets the sea?

Tur, kur milzu kalni liekas mazi

There, where the high mountains seem small

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