Viegli un satraukti sirds mana sitas
My heart is beating gently and anxiously
Klusi, klusiņām došos es ceļā
Silently, quietly I'll be on my way
Uz vietu, ko tikai savējie zin
To that place which is known only to my own people
Pārējiem atliks sekot vai minēt
It remains for others to follow or to wonder
Ziniet, tik reti sanāk būt vienam
You know, so seldom I can find a moment to be alone
Tā mēs tās dienas skrienam un skrienam
That's how we run and run all these days
Drīz taujāšu spogulim: kas tā par seju?
Soon I'll be asking a mirror: what's the face?
Tāpēc es ceļos un eju
That's why I rise and go
Māsa nakts soļo man blakus
Sister Night is walking next to me
Rīt mūs nošaus kā suņus trakus
Tomorrow we'll be shot like mad dogs
Māsiņ, nebaidies, nāc
Sister, don't be afraid, come
Vēl dejot ar mani sāc
Also, start dancing with me
Viens tālāk vēlos es doties
I want to move on alone,
Krist un celties, celties un krist
Fall and rise, rise and fall
Tu man novēli, novēli
You wish me, wish me
Not to give up,
Uzsauc tostu cēlu
Make an honourable toast:
Sievām lielus vēderus
For wives to have big bellies
Vīriem atgriezties vienmēr
For husbands always to come back
Vienmēr kaut vēlu
Always, though late,
Māsiņ, nebaidies, nāc
Sister, don't be afraid, come
Vēl dejot ar mani sāc
Also, start dancing with me
Vienmēr kaut vēlu
Always, though late
Māsiņ, nebaidies, nāc
Sister, don't be afraid, come
Tu jau zini es pārnākšu vienmēr, kaut vēlu.
You already know that I'll always come back, though late.