Zvaigznēs jūtams miers.
Peace can be sensed in the stars
Šis miers ir tik maldīgs.
This peace is so delusive.
Pavasara, vējš - tik brīvs, nesavaldīgs,
Spring wind - so free, unruly,
Bet es gribu būt starp jums,
But I want to be in between you,
Un tas nešķiet man noziegums
And it doesn't seem like a crime to me.
Sākums vienmēr grūts.
Beginning always is hard.
Pats sākums ir tevī.
The very beginning is in you.
Svarīgi ir būt un nepazust sevī
It's important to be and not to disappear in yourself
Bet es gribu būt starp jums
But I want to be in between you
Un tas nešķiet man noziegums.
And it doesn't seem like a crime to me.
Decembrī sāk salt,
Freezing begins in December
Bet man salst jau šodien.
But I'm already cold today
Kas gan notiks rīt, ja nesāksim domāt,
What will happen tomorrow, if we won't start thinking,
Bet es gribu būt starp jums
But I want to be in between you
Un tas nešķiet man noziegums.
And it doesn't seem like a crime to me.