Virs manis smiltis un tu.
Above me are sand and you.
Pret straumi vējš mūs noturētu.
Against the stream wind would hold us.
Tik lēts un saindēts gaiss,
So cheap and poisoned air,
Zemei nolemtais.
Destined for the Earth.
Mans Vārds ir kā sapnis.
My name is like a dream.
Tavs Vārds ir kā sapnis.
Your name is like a dream.
Neviens nav vainīgs, ka Viņš
No one is to blame for that he
Nezin, kas var notikt rīt.
Doesn't know what can happen tomorrow.
Var nokrist ceļos un lūgt,
Can fall on knees and pray,
Tas nepalīdz mirušiem dzīviem būt.
That doesn't help the dead to be alive.
Mans vārds ir kā sapnis,
My name is like a dream,
Ja stāstīsi tālāk, tas paliks starp mums.
If you'll tell further, it will stay between us.
Es meklēju zeltu,
I'm looking for gold,
Tik tur, kur tā nav, tur, kur tā nav.
Only there, where it isn't, there, where it isn't.
Mans vārds ir mana sirds.
My name is my heart.
Neviens nespēj to tvert.
No one is capable to catch it
Kas labāk – dzīvot vai mirt?
What's better - to live or die?
Tavs vārds ir kā sapnis,
Your name is like a dream,
Ja stāstīsi tālāk, tas paliks starp mums.
If you'll tell further, it will stay between us.
Es meklēju zeltu,
I'm looking for gold,
Tik tur, kur tā nav, tur, kur tā nav
Only there, where it isn't, there, where it isn't.