Noliecies pie zemes tik stīvs,
Bent down to the ground, so stiff
Vienā rokā vijole, otrā - vīns.
In one hand a violin, in the other wine
Nodurtu galvu, bez krekla
Head bent down, shirtless
Lūdzošā balsī dzied.
He sings in a pleading tone of voice
Dziesma beidzās. Piegāju klāt.
The song ended. I went up to him.
Viņš negribēja runāt, bet es piespiedu sākt
He didn't want to speak, but I forced him to begin
Pretējās acīs bij skumjas,
The eyes across from me were sad
Manās acīs - kauns.
My eyes held shame
Nē, tā nav,
No, it is not like that
Neviens nevar būt tik brīvs.
No one could be so free
Nē, tā nav.
No, it is not like that
Tad klausies, viņš teica, šo dziesmu es dziedāšu Tev
Then listen, he said, I shall sing this song for you
Nē, tā nav,
No, it is not like that
Neviens nevar būt tik brīvs.
No one could be so free
Nē, tā nav.
No, it is not like that
Tad klausies, viņš teica, šo dziesmu es dziedāšu Tev
Then listen, he said, I shall sing this song for you
Pieliecos tuvāk,
I leant in closer
Gandrīz kā tēvs līdzi just,
Nearly feeling for him like a father
Vīns bija stiprāks par prātu,
The wine was stronger than the mind
Bet viņa prāts nedomāja zust.
But his mind refused to disappear
Tikai vienreiz viņš grib dzirdēt kā šauj,
Just once he wants to hear a gunshot
Smagos zābakos pacelties debesīs brīvs.
To rise freely into the sky wearing heavy boots
Pielīst kādam gandrīz klāt un teikt:
To nearly go too close to someone and say:
Paldies. Esmu palicis dzīvs.
Thank you. I am alive still.
Noliecies pie zemes tik stīvs,
Bent down to the ground, so stiff
Vienā rokā vijole, otrā - vīns.
In one hand a violin, in the other wine
Viss, ko es vēlos ir bijis,
All that I wish has been,
Un tagad man vairs nav kur iet.
And now I have nowhere else to go
Nē, tā nav,
No, it is not like that
Neviens nevar būt tik brīvs.
No one could be so free
Nē, tā nav.
No, it is not like that
Tad klausies, viņš teica, šo dziesmu es dziedāšu
Then listen, he said, I shall sing this song for you
Nē, tā nav,
No, it is not like that
Neviens nevar būt tik brīvs.
No one could be so free
Nē, tā nav.
No, it is not like that
Tad klausies, viņš teica, šo dziesmu es dziedāšu Tev
Then listen, he said, I shall sing this song for you