Kā es vēlētos būt spoguļa abās pusēs,
How I wish to be at the both sides of the mirror,
Sev patikt, un tev iepatikties.
To like myself and to like you
Sāksies kā parasti viss –
Everything will begin as usually -
Skatiens pret skatienu.
Look against the look
Tālāk kā paveiksies,
Further - as luck would have it.
Skrējiens ar ieskrējienu.
Run with a run-up
Man tiešām nebūtu žēl,
I wouldn't be sorry
Dotu, ja būtu ko dot.
I would give, if I would have anything to give
Zini, tagad vēl nē…
You know, not yet...
Vēlāk es paskaidrotu.
I would explain later.
Kā es vēlētos būt godīgāks pret sevi,
How I wish to be more honest with myself,
Pret tevi un pret citiem, kā ikviens.
With you and others, like everyone.
Bet notiks, kam jānotiek –
But what will happen is what has to happen -
Randez – vous un vēstules.
Rendezvous and letters.
Mazliet pat garlaicīgi,
It's kind of boring already,
Atkārtojas vēsture.
History repeats itself.
Man tiešām nebūtu žēl,
I wouldn't be sorry
Dotu, ja būtu ko dot.
I would give, if I would have anything to give
Zini, tagad vēl nē…
You know, not yet...
Vēlāk es paskaidrotu.
I would explain later.
Piedod, es nevarēšu atzīties līdz galam,
I'm sorry, I won't be able to confess completely,
Vien smaidot pieklājīgi pateikt: “Nē…”
Only smile and politely say: No...
Beigsies kā parasti viss –
Everything will end as usually -
Man vienalga, tev asaras.
I don't care, you have tears.
Gadsimtā nākamajā
In the next century
Iesim, kur vasaras.
Let's go where the summer is.
Man tiešām nebūtu žēl,
I wouldn't be sorry
Dotu, ja būtu ko dot.
I would give, if I would have anything to give
Zini, tagad vēl nē…
You know, not yet...
Vēlāk es paskaidrotu.
I would explain later.