Translation of the song Visi enģeļi lido artist BrainStorm


Visi enģeļi lido

English translation

All angels fly

Cik pierasts

As usual

Maniem vārdiem nav miera.

My words doesn't have a peace.

Tie krīt no krēsliem, galdiem, jumtiem.

Those are falling from chairs, tables, roofs.

Kā pierast

How to get used to it

ja trīs reiz dienā peviļ,

if it disappoints three times in a day,

Tā vien liekas

It seems like

ka smejoties par mani gandrīz

it's almost laughing about me.

Visi eņģeļi lido,

All angels fly,

Katrs kaut ko dzied.

Each one of them sings something.

un man nav žēl-

and I'm not sorry -

lai tie priecājas.

let them have fun.

Cik pierasts

As usual

Ar pieri skriet sienā

Banging head against the wall

Un vienmēr noliegt:

And always denying it:

Tas neesmu es, tas neesmu es.

It's not me, it's not me.

Kā pierast

How to get used to it

Ēst sviestmaizes bez siera

Eating sandwiches without a cheese

Un redzēt

And to see

Kā smejoties par mani gandrīz

How it's almost laughing about me

Visi eņģeļi lido,

All angels fly,

Katrs kaut ko dzied.

Each one of them sings something.

Un man nav žēl-

and I'm not sorry -

lai tie priecājas.

let them have fun.

Cik pierasts

As usual

Maniem eņģeļiem nav miera.

My angels doesn't have a peace.

Ja kāds tos aiztiks,

If someone will touch them,

Tie pazudīs pavisam.

They'll disappear completely

Tikai pēc laika

Only after some time

Atkal varēs teikt, ka gandrīz

You'll be able to say almost.

Visi eņģeļi lido

All angels fly,

Katrs kaut ko dzied.

Each one of them sings something.

Un man nav žēl-

and I'm not sorry -

Lai tie priecājas.

let them have fun.

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