Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Ir tikai mūsējā.
There's just our world.
Vienalga ko teiktu kaimiņi aiz sienas.
It doesn't matter what the neighbours behind the wall would say.
Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Tikai solis līdz parkam,
Just one step between us and the park,
Kad visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street
Un Tu, un Tu, un Tu,
And you, and you, and you,
Ko Tu dotu, dotu, lai vēlreiz dzīvotu?
What would you give, give to live again?
Vai labāk ar kājām pa priekšu
Or would you rather (go) head first,
Ātrāk, ātrāk, nākamajā līmenī iekšā?
Faster, faster, into the next level?
Tā ir vai tā nav?
Is it so or is it not?
Starp visām atbildēm kā parasti
As always, between all the answers
Īstās atbildes nav
There's no right one
Bet tik un tā viss būs Tavā ziņā -
But everything will be up to you anyway -
Iet pa straumei vai klausīties sirdsapziņā
To go with the flow or to listen to your heart
Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Ir tikai mūsējā.
There's just our world.
Vienalga ko teiktu kaimiņi aiz sienas.
It doesn't matter what the neighbours behind the wall would say.
Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Tikai solis līdz parkam, kad
Just one step between us and the park,
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street
Un es klausos gliemežvākos
And I'm listening to seashells
Acis aizvēris ciet
With my eyes closed
Pat viscietākajos vākos
I wouldn't be able to bind you
Mani Tev neiesiet, neiesiet, neiesiet...
Even in the hardest covers...
Un Tu, un Tu, un Tu,
And you, and you, and you,
Ko Tu dotu, dotu pa īstam lai mīlētu?
What would you give, give to love genuinely?
Vai labāk kā agrāk - nekā
Or maybe it's better the way it was before - without
Griezties vāveres ratā atkārtojumā?
Running endlessly in a hamster's wheel?
Trīs lietas labas
Of the three choices given to us
No trim es izvēlos pēdējās abas
I chose the last two
Un mēs zinām, ka tik un tā viss būs mūsu ziņā -
And we know that it will all be up to us anyway -
Iet pa straumei vai klausīties sirdsapziņā,
To go with the flow or listen to our hearts,
Klausīties sirdsapziņā.
Listen to our hearts.
Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Ir tikai mūsējā.
There's just our world.
Vienalga ko teiktu kaimiņi aiz sienas.
It doesn't matter what the neighbours behind the wall would say.
Nav pasaules mazas,
There is no small world,
Nav pasaules lielas,
There is no big world,
Tikai solis līdz parkam, kad
Just one step between us and the park, when
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
The saddest parade on our street
Kad visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
The saddest parade on our street
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
The saddest parade on our street
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
The saddest parade on our street
Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
The saddest parade on our street
Kad visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street
Kad visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street
Kad visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas
When the saddest parade on our street