Translation of the song 初恋の頃 artist Aoi Teshima
In the Days of First Love
あなたの影を 踏んで歩いた
I stepped on your shadow as we walked
夕陽 空ににじんでた 丘の上
Sunset spread on the sky on top of the hill
つかずはなれず 並んで歩く
Walking side-by-side while maintaining a reasonable distance
そんな 二人あの頃
A moment between two people like that
会えばいつも 照れてばかりいて
Whenever we meet it's always embarrassing
大切なことは なにも言えなくて
I can't seem to say anything important
笑いながら うわさ話とか
We laugh over gossip, or something
他愛のないこと おしゃべりした
I talked about unromantic things
ただそれだけで わたし よかったの
But I was happy with just that
ただそれだけですべて 満たされた
But I felt content with just that
つかずはなれず 並んで歩く
Walking side-by-side while maintaining a reasonable distance
そんな 初恋の頃
In those kind of days of first love
恋人なら もどかしく思う
If we became lovers I would feel frustrated
その距離がなぜか とても愛しくて
That distance is why I love you so much
心の中 どんな夢よりも
More than any dream in my heart
真珠や星より 輝いてた
More than pearls and stars, it shined brilliantly
あなたの影を 踏んで歩いた
I stepped on your shadow as we walked
夕陽 空ににじんでた 丘の上
Sunset spread on the sky on top of the hill
つかずはなれず 並んで歩く
Walking side-by-side while maintaining a reasonable distance
そんな 初恋の頃
A moment between two people like that
そんな 初恋の頃
In those kind of days of first love